
I met her down stairs and she was sitting at the dining table. I had washed up quickly throwing my hair into a messy bun and putting on a tan t-shirt that fit loosely some black jeans that had rips in them, clearly from whatever messy adventures she had been on, and my combat boots I came wearing. "tea?" she asked and I nodded sitting down across from her.

"Okay so I have these books laid out with all of the information I am about to tell you. So, if you get lost or want to know more you can read them later. We will start with this one with the wolf on it." she says pushing the book towards me. I open it up a briefly flip through. "these are stories about werewolves, just some things are a bit different than books I have read before." I say. "books from inside the walls are not completely accurate. They're meant to scare you from whats out here" she says waving me off. 

"Okay so, When the war happened many people could not seek shelter fast enough to be saved so many people died, and those who didn't die became corpse's due to the radiation mutation." She says and I nod, already knowing this information. "Well those of us who were lucky enough to find shelter were not affected to that extreme, but the radiation did affect our DNA, it basically mutated us." she said "Werewolves, it is basically a mutation in our genetic coding, the radiation poisoning was powerful enough to create beast like us, except we are not nearly as scary as what your stories make us to be and we don't change on a full moon we can change whenever, but we do have a venom in our teeth that is deadly to bloodsuckers." she continues. 

"This is the same with magicians." she says pushing the next book towards me "so like witches and wizards?" I asked "do not call them that, they will be very offended, just like I told you not to call me a dog." she said rolling her eyes "Okay magicians, got it." I confirmed. "When they're DNA was mutated they we "gifted" with different abilities. mostly involving elements, but some of our strongest have mind powers." she says "mind powers?" I ask "yes, the can move things were their minds, control certain things like electricity or even people, but that is strictly prohibited." she says, assuming she could see the worry on my face. "werewolves and witches got the best situation for the mutation." she says seeming sad 

"Then we have the bloodsuckers aka the vamps aka vampires." She says passing that book to me and fear quickly ran through my whole body. "relax relax, Vampires are actual pretty docile unless you piss them off, the boys are known as playboys, but honestly they all are, including the girls she says." looking away seeming angry "but when they love someone they can be crazy hopeless romantics." she said "see vampires feel everything way more intensely, their emotions and others. So whatever you're feeling the can tap into it and feel it ten times more." she says "okay so what is their radiation story?" I ask "So unlike your stories, Vampires are not actually dead. Their genetic mutation from the radiation caused them to have their abilities such as the empathy, super strength, mind reading, and speed" she says "Well that explains the big guys at the gate." I say, Nova laughs and nods "Yes they are bloodsuckers." she says "Okay, but do they actually have to drink blood and have fangs?" I ask 

"to and extent. while their mutation did give them "gifts" they have an excessive iron deficiency and thats why they drink blood because the iron in the blood that they need, and for fangs well they have them, but they don't extend out of their mouth and are not super long, they just have slightly longer and pointy canine teeth." she explains. "OH MY GOD ARE THEY GONNA DRINK MY BLOOD!" I panic slamming my hands on the table and going tense and she rolls her eyes. "CHILL OUT.  No they won't, your dad created and iron supplement its extremely high dose so it keeps the cravings down, but we all do blood donations each month to have a safety supply for any situation, not just the vampires, but it helps them too." she explains 

"what about your venom?" I ask. "ah yes, so that is natures way of finding a loop hole. though vampires are alive they are still pretty impossible to kill, the only way is the werewolf venom. or ripping their heads off" she says with a chuckle "what about the stake or silver." I ask "both, myths for vamps and werewolves. a vamp can take a stake or anything silver straight to the heart and pull it out and heel themselves. same goes for werewolves, although we can be killed it takes a lot to put us down, because if we get hurt our body keeps healing. Vampires and werewolves are both more likely to die with old age, we also just all age much slower than humans." she says 

I sat there amazed at everything she was explaining to me flipping through the pages and reading on everything she has described to me, we must have sat there for what felt like hours just talking and discussing all the information given to me. "so whats up with the markings?" she asked me "oh" I said looking down at my arms " I have no idea really, nobody does. theres a myth about people having markings and having immense power and the way to heel the world, but its all just legend really. I was born with them and I have never had "immense power"" I say making air quotes about immense power. "Really, just legend? You're literally talking to a werewolf" she says and we both laugh "good point."

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