The Escape

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I gasped for air. Each breath I drew became heavier and heavier as I struggled to catch my breath. I felt as though I was drowning. But the footsteps were becoming louder. I didn't have time. I froze still, each gasping breath and the pounding in my chest filled my eardrums. Miles and miles of snow. I look back at the cold metal building wrapped in barbed wire that had left ugly cuts on the thighs. My prison. I whipped my head around, searching for an escape. The middle of nowhere. Only tall snowy mountains and miles of forest. Nowhere to hide, and I couldn't run forever. But I ran. They were getting close. My feet felt heavy against the snow. The icy air felt like sharp needles against my face, but the rest of my body was burning on fire. The running. The rush. The fear. This was my only chance.

"Stop running or we're going to start shooting!" A faint voice shouts behind me.

I knew I was crazy. I had no plan. I didn't wake up this morning and think to myself "today is going to be the day." But when the inhibitor collar on my neck malfunctioned, I knew this would be my one chance. I couldn't throw that away, even if that meant risking my life. The inhibitor collar only malfunctioned enough so that it couldn't shock me or so that I couldn't be tracked. It still sucked away my powers.

"AGH" I gasped, quickly stumbling backwards to catch myself. I find myself at the edge of a cliff. Hundreds and hundreds of feet below me stands a large icy body of water. A waterfall splashes into the stream. It is not frozen, but the fall alone and the deadly temperature are not good indicators of survival.

The guard men are getting closer. The dogs growl and bark. I scream as one of the guards fires a bullet. Panicked, I search for another escape. But there is nothing. If I keep running into the woods, they would catch up to me or a bullet would get me first. I have no powers.

I stand at the edge. I look down at the fall. I've always been afraid of heights. But I would rather die a free women than in the cell of Stryker's hell.

More bullets fire. I close my eyes and I jump. Terrified, I quickly feel a rush of calm. Free. I am free. One last screw you to Stryker. I would rather die than be your little experiment. All of a sudden I feel a quick rush through my body. A pressure fills under my chest. My powers! They must be coming back! It slows my fall only slightly, but not enough. The last thing I felt was a sharp stab as my body hit the water. I open my eyes as my body sinks. I see nothing except the blurred image of the cliff I had just fallen from. I see Stryker's men huddled against the edge. I hear a voice in my head.


It's okay, Thea

You are going to be okay

Just hang in there Thea

All goes black.

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