"Hey kid." he let out a gasp at the sound of a voice, he raised his head and started to tremble at the sight of a figure looming over him. He couldn't see who it was but with their intimidating height and the horns on his head, he couldn't cease the fear in his heart as he pushed himself against the wall behind him, his ears tucking back to show his fear.

"Are you the devil...?" he croaked out, his voice so dry it made him wince and start coughing, he flinches when he heard the man above him laugh.

"The devil? Now that's a new one." he comments, the boy doesn't hesitate to push himself further into the wall of the alley when the man before him knelt down, there, he was able to get a better view of the man's face. He looked quite young, he had a scruffy beard and messy brown hair but what stood out were the goat horns and ears, another hybrid. It had been so long since he'd seen another hybrid, though the species was different, he was a hybrid nonetheless "What are you doing out here on your own, kid? Where're your parents?" at the mention of that he looked down.

"... my mother died, and when my father saw no value in me, he left me to rot." he answered weakly, the goat hybrid hummed at that, squeezing his chin "If you're not here to ridicule me or kill me, it's best if you'd be on your way, wouldn't want to catch a disease I might be carrying." the man only hummed again, the boy was confused when he saw the man back away slightly only to offer his hand to him with a generous smile on his face.

"Your father is a fool to see no value in you."

"Huh?" that generous smile turned into a smirk.

"Come with me, and I promise you, you'll be of use to me in the future." his eyes widened slightly at that, how could this stranger know if he could be valuable or not? Such a ridiculous claim that had him sneering slightly, but his ears slowly relaxed as he stared at the hand before him, the offer was tempting but how could he trust this man? "Listen, kid, don't take this offer as pity. I can and will leave you here to die if you don't decide quickly, but I know you've got the potential to be something bigger. So, what do you say?" he swallowed thickly as he continued to stare at the hand before finally reaching forward and taking it.

"I hope you can show me how I have potential." he laughs at that.

"It sounded sappy, didn't it? You can just say I've got a good eye for valuable things." he stands to his feet and the boy let out a yelp when he was yanked up, the man noticed this and put him down "Sorry about that, you're just a skinny little thing." the boy let out a sigh.

"Right." he raised his head when he noticed the man raise his hand and slip off a bland gold ring off his finger, he turns towards him and flicks it towards the boy, he opened his hands and caught the ring before looking down at it in confusion.

"Then name's JSchlatt , but call me Schlatt. From here on out, I'm your owner. The ring will signify my ownership over you, so don't go losing it or else I'll kick you to the curb, got it?" he let out a gasp as he nodded his head, Schlatt merely chuckled with a scoff before walking off, the boy gasped again as he quickly rushed after him "What about you? Do you gotta name, or do I have to name you?" he lowered his head once more, his ears pressing flat against his head.

"I don't remember my name..." Schlatt pursed his lips at the sound of that, what a hassle.

"Hmm, well... how does [M/N] sound?" the boy's ears perked up at that "Take it or leave it. I'm not particularly good at naming things so it's either that or you go by boy." Schlatt paused when he heard him yip, he turned around and his eyes widen softly at the sight of the small amount of joy circling in his eyes, his tail wagging softly.

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