Chapter 13: Claire's Pregnancy

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"I know."

She places the box next to the book then scoots closer to me. Wrapping my arms around her stomach, I pull her closer to my body. She eases her way under my protection, as I nestle my face into the nape of her neck. Her breath stills and I feel myself grow extremely tired. I kiss her neck and I murmur her name.

"So, you think my dad is the cause of my targeting?"

"I'm not saying directly that he is, but I'm not leaving it to chance. My parents are doing background checks on your parents and your friends. We're not leaving anything to chance. I can't bare the thought of losing you, and what I had done, put that thought into better perspective."

"I can't bare that thought either..."

"It's okay sweet Claire, we'll never lose one another, I promise."

Could I keep that promise? Or will something happen to ruin us completely? I was almost unable to find my Beloved because someone wants her dead. Leaving a few days ago killed me inside. I know it wasn't as much as Claire's, but I still ached in pain being away from her. I felt a void in my presence and I couldn't focus. It was very troubling knowing that I was far away from Claire, unable to reach her and hear her beautiful name. She brings joy to me, and seeing her hurting destroyed me almost completely. If I didn't hear her say that she still loves me, then I think that I would of gone mad. To the point where I wouldn't even want to be near her. I would resent her and probably even hurt her.
Thinking about it now, hurts. I wouldn't want to lay a hand on Claire in that kind of way. If I were to do that, the inside of me would of been screaming to Claire to get Xavier. But, my thoughts would absorb me and barely let me finish the sentence.

I grab a hold of a dry ice cooler, then I grab a rack to place down, so the blood bags do not stick to the ice. I have a feeling that Claire will be hungry, she's pregnant... That means that the child is growing at a rapid rate, being a Vampire already, the child is living a life right now. Because I am older, she will have experienced my life's years but with her mother and I. There is an alternate universe where the baby is to grow up and then to be reborn. With Claire being nineteen, our son or daughter will only grow up to be that age. They'll live forever as a nineteen year old, then they'll marry.
I feel it's best to not tell her about the alternate universe because she's definitely not ready to hear it. Let me have her get used to being pregnant... Also, a Vampire.

I wrap my left arm around her waist, while I hold the cooler's handle with the other. We walk over to our room and I decide to give Claire a bath, I'm sure she has blood in her hair from previous events. I place her dress on the bed, she tells me that she had just put it on, and from the looks of it, there was no blood stain. I feel she can wear it for the rest of the night; until we have to go to bed.
Claire slips her body underneath the water, while I grab a towel and her hair products. She stares at me with her big, gold-ish red eyes, in a way that puts me under her control. I feel drawn close to her, but I decide to look away and grab a bowl. Dipping the bowl in the water, I let the water fill halfway, before raising it to the top of her head and pouring it down onto her hair. Once I knew that her hair was wet enough, I pick up her shampoo bottle and began to wash her hair.
After I finished cleaning up Claire, I had her sit in the water for a few extra minutes, to let me grab her dress and under garments for her to change.
She almost didn't allow me to grab her clothes, but I had to explain to her that under garments are nothing to freak out about. We've slept naked together, I've seen her under garments. Nothing to freak out about.
She changed into her clothes, as she was doing just that, I caught a glimpse of her stomach... Yup, she has a bump. I wonder how Claire is feeling about the pregnancy, can she already feel the baby? I know she has already been experiencing the drainage of energy.

"How many people have you told?"

"Well, Dahlia was the one who told me, then I told Xavier, then you... That's it."

Anger began to grow inside me, Xavier found out before I did? Another man found out that my Beloved is pregnant?! I know I shouldn't be getting angry, but I would want that to be me.
I try to calm myself down, but I'm finding it to be almost impossible to do.

"Hey, what's wrong?"


I say moving away from her. She reaches out to grab me, but I dodge her. I try to calm my nerves on my own, but I see that it isn't working.


"You saying Xavier, him knowing before me, is making me angry."

She grabs a hold of my wrist, and when I'm about to push her away, she pulls me into her embrace. She doesn't let go, she just stays pressed up against my chest. My nerves have shockwaves around them, her touch is cooking me down. I run my fingers through her hair, as I inhale her scent. The Japanese Cherry Blossom is being absorbed within my nose, causing me to shudder in her arms. My arms wrap around Claire's back, as they are doing so, Claire's nails claw at the lower part part of my back.
I focus on what she is doing to me, and soon enough, the anger fades away. The lust pushes through, out of all emotions, and I begin to massage Claire's body into the mood. She lets one soft, hushed moan, escape her mouth. She attempts to hide it, but she fails, clearly. I take it as an open invitation to kiss her, so I bend my neck down to meet her lips. I graze her lips with tongue, before slipping it into her mouth and consuming her. Her knees become weak and she falls limp into my arms. Holding her upright, I continue to kiss her. She pulls on my hair, showing a sign of interest, so I pull her leg up to rest on my hip.

She is letting me do something that could cause her to have more children. I don't want to do that to her without her knowing, so I break the kiss off. A small whimper escapes her lips and I frown at her for it. When Claire is unhappy, my body and mind try as hard as possible to keep her happy. I kiss her hand before I walk out of the bathroom to sit on the bed. I hear her light footsteps on the floor, following me closely behind. She wraps her hands around my waist and I sigh. I want to be wrapped in her arms as much as possible, but I have to limit myself. There are going to be times where we can't hold each other, and I'm going to have to feel that pain sometimes. So, when I can, I try to feel the discomfort. Right now I am feeling just that. Maybe I can do that another time...
Sitting down on the bed, I pull Claire down to sit. If we are to just sit in the bed until it is time to go to bed, then I'll take it. Being with Claire is better than being away from Claire. I have waited long enough for my Beloved, I will take every chance to be with her and to protect her.

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This one took me a while and I apologize, let me know if you like it with a simple vote or comment.

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