Chapter 12: Just a Question

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Claire's P.O.V

"He's home?"

Xavier nods and I can't think. All my emotions rise and I feel like screaming. I try to gather my thoughts and focus on the situation, but all I can think about is the baby. I avert my eyes to the floor and I begin to fidget with my clothes. Should I tell him? Or does he already know? Did Xavier know when he went to get my blood? No, he didn't, even if he did he wouldn't say anything.

"Don't tell him. I want to be the one to tell him."

I say looking up at the both of them. They smile and nod.
Once I was left in my room alone, I waited impatiently for Xylon to come in the room. Because I didn't want to be in my sleep clothes, I changed into the loose blue dress that my dad had purchased today. What was I going to say first? Was I going to get angry? If that happens, I'll never be able to tell him that I'm pregnant.
I thought about falling asleep, but I don't want to anger Xylon. Does it even matter? If I fall asleep, then I would be able to dodge him till morning. But, I think he knows I'm up. Unable to think, I stay seated under the covers. I shut the light off and try to sleep, but knowing that he is home, will keep me awake.
I hear the door unlock, thanks to the Vampire hearing, and I immediately avert my eyes at the door. I see a dark figure walk in, and I assume it's Xylon. He's walking in how he normally walks, but he tries to be a bit quieter.

Averting my eyes away, I just listen to him. I listen to where he is going, his breath, when his eyes blink... I don't want him to feel me eye raping him, so I just listen.
He is walking towards his dresser, now he's pulling out a shirt. He begins to take off his current shirt, to replace it with a new one. I can hear the ruffle and stretch of him taking off his shirt. It's quick, but I was able to hear every fabric move. How does he not know that I am awake? Did he just try to not get caught? Like a teenager getting home late?
I reach my hand out, towards the lamp, and I rest my fingers gently on the button. As I am pressing the button to turn the lamp on, I begin to speak.


I say with a broken hearted voice. It was hard to speak to him, knowing that it is him in front of me. Not a memory of him.
He looks at me, eyes still and no emotion. I want to know what he is thinking, but he shut me out. I have no idea what is going on, what is wrong.. All of the emotions build up inside me and I start to tear up. As tears begin to fall, I turned my head away from Xylons view. I think he stayed where he was, because I didn't feel him near me. I wanted to hold him, but at the same time, I was angry. What is there to be said? He doesn't need an explanation for my sadness, the scene happening now is enough said.
I reach over to the nightstand, to grab a few tissues, as I try to stop crying and sniffling.


He says softly. I can sense a bit of emotion in his tone, he wants to do something about this. Well there is something he can do, he can tell me where he was. Or why he didn't say goodbye...

"Will you listen to me if I explain to you what happened? And not interrupt me? Is that too much to ask?"

"That's fine. Go ahead."

He pulls a chair away from my vanity and places it on a slant, on the side of the bed.

"While I was asleep, I had this.. Nightmare you could say. It was a horrible thing that I couldn't handle, but then I saw something.. Someone. It was, your father. I don't know why he was there, but then I began to worry. I knew that you were still targeted, I hoped it wasn't your father who was targeting you. By the way, its undecided.
Where I went was to visit a very powerful Witch. I could only go alone because she doesn't like visitors that she hasn't known for a while. You can meet her one day, but not yet. I didn't bring my cellphone in with me to her place because there is honestly no signal...
I really wanted to tell you, but I had to go there as soon as possible. You were still asleep, as well as everyone else. Yes a note would of been appropriate, but like I said, I was in a hurry. I can understand if you're mad, but I guess all I can do now, is ask for your forgiveness."

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