Chapter 1: Awakening

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Claire's P.O.V

Waking up was a little difficult. My head was throbbing, my vision was blurry, not to mention it's extremely dark.
I'm lying in a bed that I'm unfamiliar with. Touching the covers, I realize that it's not my Walmart brand bed covers, but a satin bed cover. Seriously, where am I right now?
I try searching for my phone in this dark room. I already checked my pockets and it wasn't a surprise when I didn't find it. Getting up from the bed, I walk over to the window, which is now my only light source. The clouds have moved away from the moon, emitting little rays of light into the room. I push the curtains back, receiving more light than before, but not as much as I would hope.
I look at the room as best as possible, but all I can make out is the bed, pillows... And a door!

Running to the door, I jiggle the handle, and with some luck, it opens. Once I step out of the room, I notice a long hallway that stretches down both ways.
Look for an exit!
Turning my head, I look to see anything that would indicate an exit.
I start to walk down the hallway, and me being the idiot that I am, I failed to realize that someone was behind me, causing me to bump into them. Turning around I see a tall male with black hair, looking down at me, eyes filled with fire. Taking a step back, I try to get a better look at this person.
When I stare into his eyes, I have this feeling that is sort of hard to explain. His beautiful grey eyes bore into mine, causing me to blush and turn away.

"Where am I?"

I say turning back to look at him. Then his face gets all serious. He looks like he is about to kill someone. I hope it's not me.


A woman comes walking in from behind the mystery man.

"Your father needs help with the cases. Go be of use to him while I catch our guest up to speed."

Xylon nods his head and walks in the direction I wanted to go in.

"Sorry about him. If he intimidated you."

She says turning our bodies to walk the other way.

"It's okay."

I look back at Xylon and catch him turning the corner at the end of the hall. If it took him all that time to walk down there, how did he get in front of me... If no one was in the hallway...

"I didn't mind..."

I say finishing my sentence while turning my head back around to talk to the woman.

"My name is Eleanor, and I will be here for any kind of questions that you may have."

"You said you were going to catch me up to speed... What were you talking about? And where am I? The last thing I remembered was donating blood then passing out."

"Darling, I can assure you that you will know everything. You just have to be patient."

With that, I shut my mouth and follow her into a gigantic family room. Two t.v's at each end of the room; a pool table in the center of the room, not to mention the bar and a fridge!

"I'm going to explain something to you and I need you to promise not to interrupt me until I am done... Okay?"

I don't want my life to be thrown into danger. So I think it's best if I don't argue with anyone here.

"I promise."

"Sit down."

She motions for me to sit on the couch near the farthest t.v to the right as she walks over to the bar and pulls two glasses from underneath. She places them on top of the bar and pours whiskey in the glasses on the bar, then walks over to me to sit. When she sits down, she hands me the glass then begins to speak.

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