✘"All mine... but not quite | G.W. x F.I. x Reader x R.T.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah!" I roll my eyes. "But it's also exciting to see how the fans react to it, y'know? It's always interesting." And also the emotional part of it, regarding their reactions to how the sales go up, but I don't mention that, only quietly smiling at the memory of their reaction to Revenge's number of sales.

"You're right." Gerard nods. "So, I want to go eat before we go back to the hotel. Do you know of any good places nearby?"

"Actually, I've already eaten, so you guys can go without me." I raise my eyebrows lightly, pressing my lips together, while they look at me with disappointed faces. "Sorry, I hadn't eaten before we left. I can drop you somewhere, though."

"Sure!" Ray nods, clapping his hands once. "Maybe just leave us at the hotel and we'll find somewhere nearby so you don't need to keep driving around and shit, and we won't get lost." Gerard nods in agreement, but Frank says nothing, more focused on drinking his water in small sips. "Okay, let's go! I'm fucking hungry!"

"These snacks from the studio were worth nothing." Gerard wrinkles his nose and Frank just shrugs as he follows the other out of the place, and Ray and I soon do the same.

The car ride is quiet, this time, not only during half of the way, but for all of it. Gerard has his head rested against the door while Ray leans back against the seat with his eyes closed, an opposite to Frank, who doesn't seem as tired as the others, only quietly observing the city as we drive through it. We have been to San Diego a few times already, and it still always manages to get our attention during the night.

The hotel's sign shines brightly at the top of it, already seen before we are even close to it. Soon, I park the car inside the hotel's lot, the engine being killed bringing a weird and sudden silence to the car that's quickly interrupted by Ray and Gerard stirring from their naps.

"Okay, so," I sigh, unbuckling the seatbelt, "there's a restaurant and a cafe down the street, if you guys are interested. I went to the cafe and I guess I saw at least one restaurant on the way. If not... You got Google, right?" I chuckle, snatching a sarcastic laugh from Gerard before he leaves the car. The sound of the car doors being shut echoes through the empty parking lot, at least well illuminated by the cold lights above us, illuminating a few other cars that for sure aren't cheap, clearly showing the hotel isn't just any hotel. Fuck, it almost feels unreal considering the shitty motels we used to stay at in the past.

"You got the keys to our rooms, right?" Gerard asks as we make our way to the lobby; I nod in response. "Right, we will get it with you later. Can't risk losing it."

"Again." Ray presses his lips together, eyes on the ground.

"Again." I shake my head. I take a moment to observe the lobby, seeing my reflection staring back at me through the white, marble tiles. A chandelier lights the room, casting a soft orange light over the whiteness of the room. It's not only elegant, but cozy. "Don't worry. You know the number of my room, right? Just come in. Have at least the car keys so you can grab your stuff. And the extra key to my room in case I'm already asleep."

"Okay, thanks!" A smile tugs on Ray's lips as he leans in to peck my cheek, taking the keys. "We'll be back in a bit."

"Yeah, be safe!" I smile in return, already feeling the tiredness from the whole trip catching up with my body, hence I just hug Gerard back, only waving at his 'bye'. Wait. I furrow my eyebrows, surprised to see Frank still standing there, with his bag hanging from his shoulder. "Aren't you going with them?" He only shakes his head in response. "You're really quiet." A quiet sound escapes his throat as he shrugs, hands behind him—his lips purse in a certain way, telling me he probably has something in mind, but I don't think it's something I should be worried about. "Okay," I hum, starting to move to the elevator, followed close by him, "let's go to our rooms, then. I don't think I'll sleep just yet, so you can hang out with me if you want."

Frank Iero x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now