Those eyes

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GORS VELEN - Temeria

"Rumors about you mutants seem to be really true. I heard that you killed that monster very quickly." Stefan de Vanderhout, commander of guards of town Gors Velen, looked at him calmly.
"I had a good source of information about the monster before the fight." the witcher admitted.
"Hmm..What was that beast?" Stefan drank from his cup of beer.
"Wyverna." the witcher said without emotions.
"I've never heard about that monster.. Anyway, tell me something witcher, how many monster have you killed already?" Stefan relaxed on his sofa and put his legs on the table.
"Why do you need to know that?" Geralt was staring at his deep scar on the right cheek. Stefan was young, maybe about 27 years, also good-looking man even with those awful scar on his face. When Geralt entered into his office he saw Stefan's sword leaning on the table. He looked at the sword properly. The blade was single-edged, slightly curved, the seam of the blade ligature and undeniably sharp, the handle long, with a protector in the form of a round openwork plate. It was immediately clear that the commander knew how to use this weapon. Only very good swordsmen can be the commanders of town's guards and that's why Stefan, as Geralt thought, became the commander at so young age.
"I'm just curious." the commander answered.
"Many. I can't give you exact number, I stopped counting when I reached hundred.." witcher said with sarcasm. The commander smirked.
"And how many people?" Stefan crossed his fingers.
"I answered on it already." the witcher said with contemptuous tone.
"Interesting.. You put people and monster into one sack.. you don't even respect your own kind. It shows about you how you really care about whom have you killed. How you 'care' also about innocent people who has died because you've started dancing with your sword and you didn't care that you accidentally sentenced them to death." the commander said strictly.
"Do not tell me about about honor when your men has accidentally killed much more innocent, not to mention in the war. You all pretend that you're a honorable because you have some sign on your armor, you think you have some higher right, but you won't resist a chance to please yourself on underage girl or wife of killed husband, you don't care to kill a child whom was stealing just because he was hungry.. You don't care to hang villagers whom didn't have enough money to pay a taxation. You don't care to burn alive a woman who someone called a cursed witch without a proof.. You don't care about anything else than your dicks. So, then please do not teach me about honor, regret and justice when you're not able to take care of your own men. I wonder Stefan if you everyday regret your sins, if you're praying to Gods to not sent you to the hell for what you did. I guess not. You want to blame me for something what I've done and already regretted, but you've done worse than me already. Your words just don't make sense to me." the witcher said honestly. Stefan straightened himself in the sofa and gave witcher angry look.
"Watch your mouth Geralt. I can hang you for your sins only by waving my hand, as I heard about you, you're not any saint. Now I have also a proof because your witcher's pride couldn't stop your tongue. Don't speak with me like that ever again if you don't wanna end up on manure pile." the commander warned him.
Geralt didn't say anything.
"I promised you a reward and I will keep my promise, but for your rudeness you will get only half of coins." Stefan stated. Geralt didn't protest. He knew that he's gone too far already and that his life could be over if he would continue. Stefan opened the shelf in the table and then he threw a money bag to Geralt. The witcher caught it with one hand. Stefan stood up.
"Now, get off my eyes witcher and remember if you will do one small offense in this town or my guards will find you involved in some illegal thing, I will hang you." Stefan's face was serious. Geralt stood up.
"I wish you a good day commander." Geralt faked his smile and then he left.

Geralt was going on Roach across the market place on the street. He stopped the horse and he jumped down. He took bridle into his hand and started leading Roach to the woman whom was selling the Amulets. He was bit curious. He stood up in front of table with Amulets and started looking at them, then he noticed one witcher's medallion. He narrowed his eyes on it and then he looked at woman.
"Where did you get it?" Geralt asked her suspiciously.
"It's not in your business. Buy something or leave you scoundrel." the woman said strictly. Geralt leaned closer to her and pointed on his medallion with his finger. The woman then understood who was standing in front of her.
"This medallion belonged to one of my brothers.. So, I will ask you one last time, where did you get this medallion?" Geralt looked at her angrily. Woman got scared when she saw his cat eyes.
"I bought it from one trader on the path." the woman answered quickly.
Geralt didn't say anything. He took the money bag which Stefan gave him and put it on the table.
"I will take this." he grabbed the medallion and looked at her again. The woman didn't protest. He started leaving away. He wonder what happened to his brother, some monster must got him because no one is allowed to touch on theirs medallions only when they're already dead. He then stopped close the to column of house and he petted Roach. Suddenly someone started making a noise. He looked this direction and in that the moment he sighed from awe. He has never seen more beautiful woman in his whole life. He rubbed his eyes with hand to make sure he wasn't dreaming. She was talking or more shouting on some dwarf. She had raven curly hair, she was wearing black and white tightened dress. Her body was skinny but she had the most beautiful parts on woman rounded as some goddess. He was staring at her with desire and their eyes suddenly met. Geralt didn't stand her powerful look and he looked away. He was ashamed for it, then he decided to look at her again but she wasn't there anymore. He didn't understand how can be someone so beautiful and terrifying at the same time. He wondered who she was. Then he decided to go collect his another reward for killing the Ghouls in the cellar but all the way there he couldn't get her out of his head.

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