Don't Make A Sound | Chapter 3

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Gon held his gun ready, as they left the surveillance room. Killua stuck close, never even two steps behind. He held in his grip a sheathed ceremonial dagger- the one he would've been marked with on his 18th birthday to acknowledge him as the future CrimeLord of both clans.

The dagger was gifted to him by Sei Jisanhito and Maha Zoldyck. Originally both clans had separate daggers for the ceremony. But for Killua, the sole heir to both, they forged the daggers together. In the helm it is engraved with the names of all previous Heads of both clans.

Gon knew of an abandoned thrift store nearby one of the subway exits. The two of them found a small exit, and Gon went first to check that the area was clear. Killua pulled his hood up and they left the subway.

Gon was right. The world above ground was in ruins. There were crashed, abandoned cars everywhere. Aside from some dogs barking in the distance, it was eerily silent. Most the buildings around had burns from being set on fire. Several buildings were completely demolished. Graffiti, literally everywhere. Killua saw several dead bodies littering streets and sidewalks as he and Gon hurried for cover.

They went inside the abandoned thrift shop. Most valuable stuff had been stolen already, but that was no matter. They merely needed a few supplies, mainly to aid in hiding their identities. Gon tossed Killua a dark pair of sunglasses, and they looked for anything of use.

Killua changed out of his white t-shirt and jeans, in favor of dark sweatpants and a black turtleneck. He grabbed a hoodie, too. Gon went into the back room.

The door was locked, so Gon had to kick it in. The shopkeeper was there, and Gon nearly shot her. But he put his gun back in his holster.

She was already dead.

Hung by a rope, barely off the ground.

Gon ignored her, looking around in storage boxes and through shelving.

Killua found a lollipop, by some miracle. He unwrapped it without a second thought, happily swirling his tongue around it inside his mouth. Gon came back, with a box that struck fear in Killua when he realized what it was.

Hair dye.

Brunette hair dye. Killua had nothing against the color- on other people. But on himself? No no no. Brown was not his color. Sure, he could rock anything. But brown hair? On Killua?

He'd rather be fucking strawberry blonde.

He'd rather wear a wig than anything else, in fact. Why dye? They were in a fucking thrift shop. There had to be wigs somewhere.

"Relax, it's not for you." Gon sighed. "There's some wigs in the left back corner. This here is for me. We both know my hair would never allow for wigs or hats."

Killua was relieved. "We could always cut it." He grinned. Gon always hated haircuts. "Your hair's grown out a lot."

"Funny, no." Gon scoffed. "This dye is only temporary, at least."

"Suit yourself." Killua found a pair of scissors. He himself could use a haircut. "Mind doing me, at least?"

Gon shrugged, taking the scissors. They went into the back room, shutting and locking the door. Killua was a little unnerved by the hanging lady in the far back of the large room, but tried to ignore it.

Gon set a folding chair up, and Killua sat down. Gon ran his fingers through Killua's hair, or at least tried to. "How much do you want off?" Gon asked.

"Just cut out all the knots, we'll figure it out from there." Killua said. Even if he took a shower and tried to brush the mess on his head, it'd be fruitless.

"If you say so..."

Gon began snipping. Sometimes when he'd remove one knot, another would come undone. So he didn't have to cut as much off as he thought he would. In the end, Killua's hair mass was reduced by about 70%. Which still left him with a lot of hair, considering how much it'd grown out and how much he had in the first place.

Killua looked in a mirror they found. It wasn't all that bad. At least his hair was manageable now and would fit in a wig. "It's fine like this." Killua said.

"Okay." Gon put the scissors in his backpack. He tossed the hair dye between his hands. "There's an abandoned apartment upstairs. We go up there for a bit, you can relax while I get my hair dyed. We can also get showers, been a while."

Gon took a needle from a sewing kit, and a candle. With the lighter he's carried around since his father's disappearance, he lit the candle. He took tweezers from the kit, and held the needle over the flame. Once the tip of the needle was hot enough, Gon bent it just a little with the tweezers.

"Sounds like a plan." Killua stood, grabbing up some things as well.

Gon noticed the GameBoy Killua snatched. "What do you need that for?" He chuckled, opening a door leading to a closet, leading to a staircase.

"My sanity, or what little there is left of it." Killua powered it on, thrilled to see it was charged up, as they climbed the stairs.

The door to the apartment was locked. Gon used the needle from the thrift shop, and started picking the lock. He listened to the clicks, working carefully.

Click-click-click-click. Click.


Cli-i-i-ick. Click. Click.

Killua waited while Gon picked the lock. "Why not just break it down?" He asked.

"Don't want to draw any unwanted attention. It's quiet outside." Gon whispered, ending with a smile after one final click. He turned the knob, and the door swung open. "After you."

Killua nodded, looking around the apartment before entering. Gon shut and locked the door after entering behind him. "Not bad." Killua said.

"I'm going to get started on my hair." Gon said, and Killua could hear hesitation in his voice. He wondered how Gon would look as a brunette, rather than his raven black hair. "See if there's some non perishables in the pantry or something."

Killua did just that, as Gon went to the restroom. He'd never dyed his hair before, but how difficult could it be? He'd disarmed bombs, built them too. He'd successfully become a ghost alongside Killua, until this morning. Dying his hair was simple, it'd be a walk in the park.

Well, that's what he thought.

"How's it going-?" Killua had to stop himself from laughing.

Gon's hair was a light brown, still soaked in dye. There was way too much dye in that hair. Gon needed maybe a third of that amount. And it got all over his forehead and shirt.

"H-how?" Killua asked, struggling to contain laughter. "How did you do that?"

Gon rolled his eyes. "Don't make fun of me. Hair dying wasn't covered in Sei's survival teachings."

"There's instructions on the box."

"I know."

"Just get in the damn shower." Killua laughed, walking in and turning the shower head on cold. "Don't use shampoo or anything- just rinse the dye off and try not to get your hair too wet. Feel free to use body wash though."

"Care to join?" Gon offered.

They were on a time crunch. But, their temperature tolerance was far too contrasting. Gon only ever took cold showers, Killua only took showers that boiled him alive.

"Nah. Water's too cold."

"Suit yourself." Gon pulled his shirt off, and started unbuckling his belt and pants.

"I'll find some towels." Killua told him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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