Savior (Intro 1/3)

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Part One of the Intro. There'll be three introductory chapters before we get to the plot of the story as a whole. The Intros should not be skipped, since they set up the rest of the story. Shit will not make sense if you skip the Intro.

Ever since Gon was an infant, he knew how to use a gun. It was an unsaid mandatory life skill, living in this day and age. At just five years old he had the knowledge to use a variety of different kinds of weapons. He had to, to survive.

His aunt never liked it. But she couldn't argue with Gon's father on the matter. He insisted that Gon needed to know these things if he were going to live on in this world.

Oh, how right he was.

In fifth grade, at the age of eleven years, Gon was sitting in his classroom. It was independent reading time, Gon's favorite time of day. He didn't exactly love to read, but he enjoyed it unlike his other classes. He was allowed to go his own pace, without feeling stupid for not being able to keep up with his peers.

That's when the principle's voice was heard over the intercom speaker. He announced just a few words, but it was enough. "Code Black, Mickey Mouse."

Code black meant there was an ongoing shooting in the building. Mickey Mouse was the code phrase to alert teachers that it was not a drill.

Immediately and calmly, Gon's teacher rose from her desk and locked the classroom door. She pushed a bookshelf in front of it, as well as her own desk. She looked to the panicked expressions of the children in the room.

"Hide," She instructed them. "We've practiced, you all remember what to do, right?"

Their desks had two sides that were covered by sheets of wood between the desk legs. One side faced the door, the other faced the front of the classroom. Each child hid underneath their desks, resting their backs against the wood shielding them from view of the door.

The doorknob jangled. Before the person on the other side realized it was locked. Gon thought for a moment that they left.

Until a loud bang against the door was heard. And then another. And another. The pace was slow and powerful as it went on. As if someone were using a battering ram against it.

"It's alright." The teacher whispered. "Stay quiet, don't make a single sound."

Gon looked to his side, around the board his back faced. Under the desk next to him was his classmate, Killua. Killua was frozen, hand over his mouth, and somehow even paler than usual. The boy always had a rather pale complexion, but Gon could swear he was turning a light blue. Killua's breathing was ragged, and the hand not covering his mouth clutched the fabric over his heart. Gon thought Killua must've been starting to have a panic attack.

"Are you alright?" Gon whispered. Killua's wide eyes met Gon's. He shook his head, tears in his eyes. "It'll be okay." Gon assured him. Though, he wasn't sure himself.

The bookshelf fell over, the door was burst through. One loud gunshot, and the sound of the crumpling of their teacher's body hitting the ground, silenced every child. None of them could move. Nor make a sound.

The gun was cocked again. Ready to fire. Gon was calm, however. Everything will be fine. He just had to stay put and stay quiet. Don't do anything stupid.

Just when the intruder was about to leave, Gon heard a sob from one of his classmates near him.

Footsteps came closer. Gon reached for his schoolbag. He carried a baseball bat with him at all times. He was on the roster for the little league baseball just so people wouldn't question it. Really, it was for self defense and self defense only. Gon had no interest in baseball.

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