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Elena was pacing around the house. She was in a very agrivated mood. But on a better note she had gotten married a month ago in a beautiful ceremony but she was pissed that her daughter was two weeks over due.

"Why won't she come? I've tried everything spicy food bumpy car ride. I've ate pineapples i ate that other nasty fruit.  Rasbery tea oils bananas basil exercise balli went in the fucking pool she was supposed to come two weeks ago." She just wanted her daughter to be here already she knew that it was common to either give birth earlier or after the due date but she just wanted to get the birth over with so that she could hold her daughter.

"You done?" Hayley asked she got why she was mad but the stress was certianly not helping her she just needed to wait and let it happen.

Elena stopped and glared at her sometimes she could not stand her cousin. Sure she loved her and wished her well but her commnets made her want to stab her and watch her bleed."I hope you go through the same pain i am?"

"You wanted a natural birth" Hayley reminded she knew that Elena desperatley wanted her daughter to be their but if she wanted her water to break she needed to calm down.

"I want to take something that forces my water to-" She clutched her stomach as everyone stood up she could feel the fluids running down her leg. "My water just broke" She was happy it was finally time she was going to meet her daughter.

Kol walked over to her helping her stand he knew that evrything was about to change he was about to be a father."Hospital bag is already in the car lets get you to the hospital."

"I will be back i am going with them." Isobel grabbed her purse and followed them out the door.


As they pulled out Meredith Fell came out with a wheelchair as Kol was getting Elena out of the car. He helped her to sit into it as he grabbed the bag and Isobel went to park the car. "You ready?"

"I've been ready for two weeks Meredith." She was ready for the change this was what she always had wanted.

"When you have that baby, everything is going to change."

Elena nodded squeezing Kol's hand as a contraction hit she knew that the pain was going to be worth it in the end she just had to get through it.


Elena was 5 centimeters dilated she just wanted the epidural it would make everything better.. "I want that stupid epidural."

"You have to let my hand go." Kol didn't want to anger her he knew how pregnant women could be when they were giving birth and he did not want that/

She let his hand go as he went to find Meredith. She was standing at the counter.

She looked up at him she smiled knowing that it was about Elena. "She's impatient,"

"She wants the epidural."

"Give me a few minutes here i come." She knew that no one could really go through that pain espcially at her age.


She was in the delivery room it was time. "It's time to push Elena."

Kol went and held his wife's hand it was finally happening there dream were becoming a reality.. "You've been doing great our dream is about to finally become a reality."

"I'm ready" She was ready for this it was what she had always wanted

-(I am not about to try and write a birthing scene never seen one except on tv so time skip 10-15 minutes)

She gave one last push and a cry filled the room." It's a girl" Meredith went to go clean her up and came back giving her to Elena. She could see the look of adoration on Elena and Kol's face she was truly happy for them.

"You two got a name for her?" Meredith knew that the naming process was different for a lot of people some people didn't know the name until the baby was there and some people had the name pre-picked out before the baby had even come;

"Ella." It suited her a simple name for a baby that was probably going to have a complicated life.

"I'm going to go tell everyone else two at a time they can come in."

"Thank you Meredith." They were happy that she had helped it was a miracle bringing a baby into the world.

Meredith left out leaving the couple.

Kol looked at his daughter in his wifes ae kissed Elena on her forhead."She's beutiful you have surley made me happiest gggguy alive I love you.."

"Love you too always have and always will." She smiled down at the baby in her arms she would do anything to protect her and make her happy."Your gonna be so much fun when she gets into guys or girls her choice,"

"Lets not talk abot it now?" He knew she was right but he would do anything to make his family happy.


Everyone was sitting in the waiting room when Meredith came out. "Everything went fine, and the baby is here?"

"What's her name?"

"Ella, 2 at a time going to see her." She did not want to over crowd the new family.


Isobel and Esther went in first. Kol was standing by Elena looking at his daughter.

"How you feeling?" Both women knew that giving birth was no easy task.

"Little sore but it was worth it." It was worth the joy of getting to wake up to this baby again and again and  nothing was going to change how she felt.

"Her name is Ella?"

"Ella Adele Mikaelson" A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.


After most of the family got to see Ella Hayley and Klaus came in. Hayley went over to her cousin."You ok?" She was proud of the life that her cousin had made for herslef.

Elena nodded yawning."I'm tired." She knew that she was not going to be getting any sleep for a while.

Klaus went over to Kol who was holding Ella. He was proud of the family that his little brother had created he was truly happy for him."I can't believe you had a kid before any of us?"

"Mother has been scolding me for months." He knew that although his mother was scolding him she was happy to have a grandchild.

"I bet she has?" Klaus knew his mother well and she was not happy that one of the youngest of 7 was the first to have a grandchild.

"Well its worth it."

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