Chapter 7

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Isobel was showing the outfits to Elena for her shoot. And she absolutley fell in love with the outfits. She was so ready for the Maternity shoot.

Kol went to help Alaric unload the car he knew that Alaric had wanted to help him."Do you have a plan to do it?"

He nodded he had a plan but he knew that he had to do it a certian way as to not piss Elena off."If i know Elena if i do it showy way she will kill me."

"Potentially." Alaric knew he was right Elena was not into big shows of anything she always prefered the simplier apporach.

"I do have a plan at how i want to propose to her. Which i also want to be a surprise if you accidentally spill to Josie everyone will know." If Kol knew anything is that Josie Alaric almost always accidentlaly spilled to Josie and that if Josie found out everyone else in the house would have found out.

"You make a good point" Alaric knew he was right he always accidentally told Josie stuff that he was not supposed to tell.

He nodded and smirked he was happy that Alaric understood where he was coming from."Exactly that is why i can't tell you the plan has to go right."

Alaric did know whatever happened there was no way that Elena could possibly say no to him."You know their is no way she is going to tell you no. Not after everything that you have been through."

"I am going to be nervous until i do it. Lets take this inside before one of them come out." He knew the way the girls were they were very nosey and everything had to be done there way.

Kol and Alaric walked back in the house with boxes seeing Josie chasing Lizzie."Oh god." He knew that the girls got into a lot of times but he was not expecting this.

Elena and Hayley were just sitting watching the twins. They found it hilarious that they were once again going at it."I told you i am not the only mentally unstable perso that lives in this house."

Lizzie stopped and scoffed she was not mentally unstable."Excuse me."

Josie tackled her her stopping had given her the pefect way.."Ha got you."

There was a knock at the door Hayley got up to get the door expecting to see Katherine when she opened it it was Sarah.

Katherine had been busy and couldn't bring the food Sarah was going to be coming by anyways."You must be Hayley."

"Your Sarah?" Hayley asked she had to admit that she was pretty and not what she expected.

"Yea Katherine was busy so i brought her food," She knew that if she didn't then Jeremy was going to try and find someone else to do it.

"Come in."Hayley opened the door and let Sarah walk in. She showed her to the living room Elena was coming down the stairs. She had heard Sarah and promised her money.

She walked over to Sarah and handed her the money."Thanks for coming thought you were coming Later." She hadn't expected to see her yet but she was hear so that was that.

"Your sister was busy and by busy i mean she was with my cousin. I guess was ok with the deal." Sarah knew she probably shouldn't have said that but she couldn't help herself.

"Shots already thought you were better than this Sarah." She really shouldn't have expected anything less from Sarah she had always been that way.

"I'm broke my uncle is an asshole and i have no parents but you have 5." She was pissed once upon a time she had money she could afford things and now she couldn't not since her dad died.

"2 John Grayson and Miranda don't count funny how in middle school you were the rich one and i wasn't." She found it funny how the tables how turned and how things were now different."Sad how the tables have turned haven't they."

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