Chapter four

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Elena, Katherine, Caroline, Rebekah Freya and Bonnie were looking through a rack of dresses.

"So are you pregnant?" Caroline blurted. She knew that something was up she noticed when her best friend put her hand on her stomach and she never threw up.

"Who?" Bonnie asked she was confused she hadn't told Caroline.

Caroline looked at Elena."Are you? My mom has never given someone custody that fast before Isobel has it and she hasn't been here 24 hours and she has it. Your getting your own line if your pregnant you get a maternity line and I don't mean to pry. But you never throw up and you were randomly just touching your stomach so." She wasn't mad she just wanted to know this was a happy occasion.

Elena didn say anything so Hayley stuck her head in."Silence means your guilty. She also told me to tell you the store will be up and running a month and she wants you to start sizing you right away for the new designs from here until it is up and running, and i get the swim suit job."

"Go to hell." Elena cursed she loved her cousin but sometimes she was just to much.

"Lizzie and Jo-Jo are taking up the regular stuff since its summer and she doesn't want them in a two piece."


Hayley stuck her toung out at Elena"Ugh your so cranky when your boyfriend isn't around such a small town hurry up and get a dress i want to show you something. Oh by the way the dress your looking for is already in your room the pre-fitted one you thought she left at home it fits the incoming bump great and makes your eyes pop. Bye." Hayley turned and ran out the room.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Elena took a  breath and looked at the others who were starring at her. That was not how she had wanted them to find out but she knew that it was to late now."I am pregnant 2 month i found out four days ago and honestly i didn't want to come back but i didn't want to raise the baby away from its family. But i was set on staying away. I have been throwing up for three weeks"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now." Katherine shook her head."I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT YES."
Elena and Katherine were talking with Lizzie and Josie."So are you happy that you are going to be getting your own line soon"

"Umm yeah and all my stuff is going to be exclusive for the website with my modeling photos. The old stuff that she wanted to wait to release and my new maternity line is going to be everywehre."

Isobel walked over to her daughters"We start sizing for your Maternity line tomorrow very small bump so we start with outfits for new found pregnancy."

Elena nodded she was so happy about being a mother and getting her own line she loved her job.."Sounds good to me."

"Katherine I do need another swimsuit model if your interested." Isobel wanted both of her daughters in her business. They were beautiful and they deserved to do something that fit them.

"Really." Katherine asked she couldn't believe she was going to be a swim suit model.

Isobel nodded."I hope you two are having fun but John Grayson and Miranda just walked in. And half of Mystic Falls in here. Your aunt Jenna is here but she seemed really cool about everything so."

"Is the warning for me or that your going to go off on them." Elena asked, she knew her mother a little to well and if they weren't careful things were going to end up badly.

Isobel shrugged there was a possibly of her going off but she also wanted to prepare her daughter she didn't need stress it was dangerous for the baby."Maybe both."

"What?" Lizzie asked she knew her mother well especially when it came to her children but she also knew her mother didn't like making public scenes.

Josie shrugged she knew her mother if someone sad anythng out of line it would not matter that they were in public."Get used to it Lizzie Mom doesn't do when people think they can boss her around."

Esther walked over with her children she was happy that she was getting a grandchild and that the two had returned."Elena i'm happy your back Kol told me you were pregnant. Congrats."

"Thank you."

Katherine nudged her sister."Incoming." She nodded to Miranda Grayson and John who were walking towards them. She didn't know what would happen but if she knew them it would not be good.

"Oh crap." Elena muttered.

Hayley walked over to her she may be a cocky ahole sometimes but when it came to family she was all in."This is going to be funny"

"Funny you think that this is going to be funny." Josie scolded. Her mother would blow her top in front of everyone when that filter came off it was over.

They walked over."Elena i haven't seen you all morning."

Elena scoffed she told them she wasn't staying there."Yeah cause i'm not staying there you thought i was kidding."

"Excuse me do you need something?" Isobel asked it was her daughters birthday and they were supposed to be enjoying it.

"Yeah I am her mother and i would like to speak to my daughter." And that would have been Miranda's mistake.

"Everyone might want to back up." Hayley warned pulling her cousins back knowing the trouble that Isobel would cause. Everyone listened and took a few steps back.

"You birthed them, you carried them 8 months and 2 weeks, you must have had your water break at 5 A.M on June 22 1992 wait Nope that was me. A mother doesn't try and force their daughter into something simply for a higher social standing. Were you the one that got the call about the missing 15 year old no that was me cause although she was missing i was her birthmother she is not adopted i never signed her over i never gave her close or open adoption. Just because you don't like her boyfriend doesn't mean you can dictate who she dates. Were you the one who gave her teen daughter and said boyfriend home and work they both already had there GED's were you the one that gave her daughter a job as a model. Wait were you the one who she came to when she had all the symptoms of being pregnant and wanted to go to a clinic to see." Isobel took out her phone case and took out the ultrasound that she kept in their."Nope that was me i was the first person to find out she was pregnant i also have full custody of my daughter and she will be getting her own Maternity line. You will leave my daughter alone because she is my daughter not yours and i will be coming for Katherine next. "

"There my daughters i raised them."

"So what i raised Hayley and she's my niece there my daughter only reason i ever left them with you two was because John didn't want anyone to know he ruined his families name he threatened to get me thrown in jail. Now they are my girls not yours Elena is living with me she is my top model Katherine will be helping Hayley with her swim line we will open a new headquarters here and you will leave them alone. If my pregnant daughter says you did one thing i will get you served so fast when i'm done with you you'll have to leave town. Now this is my girls birthday and they should be enjoying it stress is not good for pregnancy. And if you cause her stress it will not end well ." Isobel turned and looked at her daughters and niece. She took two pairs of keys out 5 pairs of keys out her purse and handed each one."I heard you have your motercycle license."

Katherine nodded."Yeah my boyfriend helped me get it."

"So does Hayley those are the keys to your new bike i know Elena wanted her own car when she was here and i promise Josie and Lizzie they would finally get to drive since where were from you can get it at 15 instead of 16."


"There outside you should have a look." She walked away smirking at Miranda Grayson and John before heading to meet guests.

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