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2 months later
Hayley hadn't been feeling good, but she was praying that it wasn't what she thought it was. But like everyone always says you never really get what you wish for.

And she knew that now that she had no choice but to tell Elena that she was dating Klaus. There was no way around this.

Kol had wanted to take Elena out and he wouldn't tell her where he was taking her or what they were going to be doing. And she hated it because it was no surprise that she didn't like surprises. But she didn't really have a choice at the moment.

She was going to have to go along with the surprise she had already tried to get him to tell her. She had tried multiple ways to get him to tell her and he was not budging at all.

He was driving and he was not telling her anything she crossed her arms over her chest glaring at him.

"I am still not going to tell you where i am taking you." He never got the chance to surprise her, and he wanted this chance.

"Why not?" She whined it was no surprise to anyone that she hated to be surprised she would very much rather be the one surprising everyone else.

He knew that she did not like this and that make him chuckle especially considering that she always had a surprise up her sleeve. "You never let me surprise you because you hate surprises let me have this one. And you still refuse to let me know what the gender of the baby"

"Fine but never again got it." She knew that he had a point but she was never allowing it to happen again.

He made her put a blindfold on as he stopped the car. "What was the point of making me wear a blindfold if it is already dark" She really didn't like that she wasn't able to see anything or where she was going.

"Elena." It was his one chance to surprise her, and he was going to make sure that he was able to do it.

She huffed she had told him he could do it this one time. "Fine but never again."

He walked over to her side helping her to get out the car and walking her to where they were going. He knew that she had no clue what he planned for the night and that was what he was counting on.

She could feel that they were moving off road cause the ground was getting softer. "Are we almost there?"

"Yes. "He stopped her turning her to face where he wanted her to and undid her blindfold.

"You did this?" There was a blanket laid on the ground with a telescope. She couldn't believe that he had did this for her.

He nodded he had wanted to make this special for her he wanted this to be a night that she was going to remember. "Came out here earlier the comet passes tonight and i knew that you would want to see it. Foods in the car."

She was so excited it was the that she loved watching the comets pass and watching the stars and just starring up at the night sky. "When does it pass?"

"In about ten minutes"

She turned towards him wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. "You know i love you right."

"Always." He loved her and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.


Katherine walked into her cousin's room who had texted her asking for her. She had wondered what was wrong that she was actually text her to come. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant." Hayley didn't know any other way that she was supposed so say it other than that.

"Isn't that a good thing." Kathrine didn't understand why she wasn't exactly happy about it.

Hayley nodded slightly she was happy that she was having a baby, but she hadn't even told Elena that her and Klaus were dating. "Yes but no."

"You still haven't told Elena." Katherine could tell that something was eating her up and she knew that had to be it.

"Didn't know how?" She didn't know how she was supposed to tell her cousin any of this.
Kol went and got the basket he packed and went and sat next to Elena who was looking through the telescope at the stars.

"Its beautiful." She loved the clear sky and seeing the stars up above.

"I've seen better." He didn't think there was anyone more beautiful than her.

She looked at him and shook her head. "Your cheesy comments never get old." In truth she did love the comments and they would never get old.

He didn't care how old they got he would continue to do it no matter how it made him seem if he could see a smile on her face. "We both know you love me more for them."

"Maybe." That was one secret she was never giving up even if he already knew the answer.

He pulled out his phone for the timer. "You ready." It had 30 seconds on it he knew that she would not want to miss this. This was truly going to be a night to remember.

"Yeah." She was so excited to see it pass by she couldn't wait.

He angled the telescope where it was going to come from helping her to stand up so she could see it.  He put his phone on the camera against the basket setting it to record. It was now or never. He watched her face change to joy as the comment passed by.

He got down on one knee pulling out the ring he had picked out for her it was time. "Elena." She looked at him no words she didn't know what to say but she knew what her answer would be. "I have loved you ever since I met you, I knew that i wanted to be with you for the rest of our lives. No matter the challenges we face we always do it together. I want the three of us to be a family I want to give you everything that you have ever wanted in life Elena Maria Gilbert will you Marry Me."

She put her hands over her mouth and nodded. "Yes." This was her dream come true she already had wanted to spend the rest of her life with him she was glad he felt the same.
Hayley was sitting on the couch eating ice cream waiting for the two to get back. The door opened and she stood as they walked in. "Hey i was waiting for you two." She knew that she needed to tell them she had to tell them.

Elena was happy that she was up because she wanted Hayley to be one of the firsts to know. She knew that her cousin would be happy for her. "I am happy your up cause I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Hayley didn't want to be that person that always ruins the good mood with their own news.

"You can go first." Elena wanted to know what was so important that Hayley stayed up because the girl cared about her sleep.

"You first." 

Elena needed to make this very clear that her mother could not find out until she made the announcement. "You cannot tell my mom it has to be a surprise."


Elena held out her hand with the ring on it. She was so excited she couldn't wait until she married the love of her life. "We're engaged."

"Aww." Hayley knew that she could not tell her at least not at the moment.

"You had something to tell us?" Elena didn't really want to interrupt what she was trying to say.

"It can wait when are you telling everyone?" She couldn't ruin when they were telling everyone.

Elena smiled she couldn't wait until she could finally tell everyone. "The gender reveal."

"Can't wait." The smile on her face was faked but she really hoped that they couldn't tell she wouldn't ruin their moment.

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