II. Good Girl

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Diane's pov:

I go to my office room near the living room to let y/n get to work. I kept looking at her through the glass doors, admiring her determination to help me. She carefully takes out my record player and starts looking at all my vinyls. Her eyes suddenly go wide when she sees my Fleetwood Mac ones. She then goes back to taking all the other things out of the boxes. God I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Her innocent face and her figure. I just wanted all of it. I should be the one to take care of this girl not that woman next door. y/n said it herself. She was selfish.

y/n's pov:

You hated to snoop but you found Diane's vinyls. She had so many. Bowie, Heart, Beatles, Abba, and you were surprised to find at least eight different Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks ones. They were your favorite. You quickly remembered you're supposed to be helping Diane, not sitting here and just looking at her stuff. You finally finish emptying all the boxes and Diane comes out of the office.

"Wow y/n nice job." She smiles. "Do you want some tea?"

"Sure! Thanks."

"Okay sweetheart." She winks as she turns to go back to the kitchen. You stay there for a moment and watch as she walks, swaying her hips. She suddenly turns back around. "y/n would you be a darling and plug in my record player? I'm in the mood for some Fleetwood Mac right now..."

"Yes of course! I love Fleetwood Mac."

"You do?"

"Yeah I've listened to them since I was little. Stevie Nicks is my favorite."

"Mm you've got some good taste darling."

"Thanks." You giggle shyly. You get up and plug in the record player. "Which one should I play?"

"Which ever one you want baby." She smiles. You loved her little pet names. You feel yourself blush as you carefully place the "Greatest hits" album and place the needle on the record. "Sara" starts playing, making you smile.

"Oh I love this one." Diane says. You walk to the kitchen and sit at the table as Diane smiles at you while she puts a hot kettle of water on the old fashioned stove. She sits back down across from you and suddenly takes your hand it hers, taking you by surprise. "Oh wow I love your rings."

"Oh thanks I get them from thrift stores." You say, blushing once again which doesn't go unnoticed by Diane. She gives you a little smirk until a high pitched noise comes from the kettle. She stands up and pours the hot water into two teacups. She puts two rose tea bags into them and places one in front of you. "Thanks Diane."

"Of course sweetheart. Careful it's hot."

"...So are you excited to start teaching?"

"Yes actually I love being a teacher. I used to sub but now it's great to just be doing full time."

"That's great! A lot of teachers hate their jobs."

"Not me. Especially if I have you in my class." She says with a wink, making you blush. Again. You quickly finish your tea and stand up.

"Well. Uhm thank you for the tea but I should probably get going." Diane suddenly has an almost disappointed expression.

"Oh. Okay. Thank you very much for all the help y/n. It was very kind of you." She says with a sad, fake smile.

"Yeah of course it was no problem. If you need anything else just let me know."

"Here. Let me give you my number. In case you need anything..." Diane says as she grabs a paper and pen. You stand there as she writes her phone number on the paper. She hands it to you with a smile.

"Thanks Diane. It was really great to meet you."

"You as well y/n. Thanks again."

"Mhm." You say with a kind smile as she follows you to the door. She opens it for you and you turn back to her. "Goodbye Diane."

"Bye sweetheart."

You walk through the door, down the porch steps and wave to her before walking back to your house. It was like you could feel her eyes still on you as you reach your house. You go inside and realize your mother must have gone out. Grabbing your phone from your bed, you put Diane's number into your contacts.

You: Hi Diane, here's my number :)

Diane: Glad you texted dear. Thanks again <3

You smile to yourself as you put your phone down and play some music. You suddenly get a text message from your mother.

Mom: I'm over at Carol's house for the afternoon. Don't forget tonight is the beginning of summer party at the club so PLEASE dress nice.

You: Okay. Could I invite Diane so she could get to know people in town?

Mom: That's fine.

You smile and go back to Diane's messages.

You: Hi Diane, sorry to bother you but we're having this "beginning of summer"party at my mom's boyfriend's country club. It starts at 7. You're welcome to come if you'd like. So you can meet some people. A lot of teachers from the school come so you could get to know them:)

Diane: You're not bothering me, baby. That's why I gave you my number! Will you be there?

You: Yeah of course!

Diane: Well then I'd be glad to come. Thank you, sweetheart.

You: No problem. See you tonight!

Diane: See you tonight ;)

You go to your closet and pick out a long,dark burgundy dress with thin straps and white flowers with a slit on the side. You also find a pair of short, strap black heels that you usually wear to these events. You lay the outfit on your bed and can't help but hope Diane would like it. You had no idea why.


A few hours later, it was  5 o'clock. The party started at 7 so you curled your hair putting it in a half up half down and fixed your makeup. By the time you were ready, it was 6:40. Your mother had already gotten home but she didn't bother to say hello.

"y/n are you ready to go?!" She yelled from downstairs. You grab your purse and rush downstairs. "Oh darling you look lovely." She said blandly, barely looking you.

"Thanks mo-"

"We have to get going. Brian's already there and everyone is waiting for us so hurry up." She interrupts you, rushing you out the door. You do as she says and get in the car. She sits in the drivers seat with a huff and takes a good look at you. "Why do you always have to do your makeup like that? All that eyeliner it's just so- it's a lot."

"I don't know. Do you want me to take it off...?" You say feeling ashamed even thought you didn't even have a lot on.

"No I don't give a shit I just want to get this thing over with."

You stay silent and look out the window as she pulls out of the driveway.

Once you got there, you and Jillian stepped out of the car and walked to the decorated yard. There were string lights everywhere and small round tables with white tablecloths and big pink flowers as the centerpieces. Everyone immediately sets their eyes on your mother as she walks in with her fake bright smile. Brian comes up to her with a beer in hand and hugs her. You just make your way to a table by yourself and sit on your phone, waiting for Diane to arrive.

You were never a super social person which was why you hated these things. Especially since everyone knew you and would try to talk to you.

Your mother comes storming up to you after excusing herself from a small crowd of people.

"y/n would you please get your ass up and socialize for once? You look like an idiot come on."

"Sorry." You mumble as you stand up. You then pause when you see her walking in.


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