That's when I saw it, more like bumped into it. It wasn't big, just a small pile of rocks but as my hands moved across it I found an opening. It was a cave and it was also my salvation. I didn't even think about the fact that there was still three other tributes out there that could be in here. I wasn't worried about Cage or Alice because I don't think they would have attacked me, but I can't say the same about the other tributes, those who were still alive anyway.

I couldn't see anything in the cave but it was dry which meant that no snow was going to find it's way inside. Slowly, my body slid through, the shaking preventing me from moving too fast or doing anything. I pressed my hand against the rock wall for balance, sliding down and sitting on the floor. The cold wind wasn't blowing against me and there was no more snow smacking against my frozen skin.

I took off my pack, unzipping it but I wasn't sure what the point was, I couldn't see anything in the dark. But I could feel things. I dipped my arm into the bag, my hand brushing against a certain fabric that I quickly pulled out. Other things from the bag came out with it, clanging on the rocky ground. The fabric I held in my hand was a sleeping bag that was super soft on the inside so I wrapped it around my body. It wasn't perfect but it was going to keep me alive so who was I to complain about it?

As I rested back up against the wall once again, a familiar tune started blasting above the storm's wind, intriguing me. I took a step towards the entry of the cave, the cold wind smacking me in the face but I tried to focus on the projection of the Capitol symbol. I wasn't surprised that they were able to manipulate the storm so that all the tributes could watch their little announcement that told us who had died today. I wrapped myself tighter in the sleeping bag, looking closely to their projections because it was still hard to see. Beneath the symbol read The Fallen and shortly after that, the Capitol anthem still playing in the background, the slideshow of the dead tributes began showing.

It started with both the girl and boy from District Three and the same for Five, Six, Seven, and Nine, their tributes both being dead as well. Then you had District Eight boy, District Ten girl, and District Eleven girl. I felt my chest tighten as the projection turned off and the world was sent into the darkness of the blizzard.

I went back to sit against the wall, the weight of the day's events finally pulling me under. I don't know if it was my fault, but the boy from District Eight was dead and I couldn't help but blame myself for that.

The images of Tobias killing that tribute played through my head over and over again. That murderous look in his eyes and the merciless kill he made against who I think was the girl from District Five. The screams played through my head, all those pain filled screams that I couldn't get out, ringing and echoing through my ears. And the red painted snow, it was everywhere. I didn't know the human body had that much blood. Well, I know now, and I wish I didn't.

The only good thing was that Cage was alive and so was Alice, but for how long would that last? How long would it be until the next cannon rang, indicating their deaths? I knew one thing though and that was that I couldn't search for them, not now, not during the snow storm. But when it let up, I was going to find them. But until then, I needed to sleep or I was going to die of sleep deprivation before the cold could even try to take me.

I made it sound so easy though, sleep, because the moment I closed my eyes the images started popping up. My eyelids were heavy, yet I was wide awake.

The morning came fast, taking me by surprise when the light of day shined through the opening of the cave. I took a deep breath, not sure if I was happy about being alive for another day in this hell hole but I was alive and I had to get over it. I reached over to my bag sitting alone in the corner and I rolled up the sleeping bag. But before I put it away, I explored the contents of it, hoping to God that it was worth what I fought for.

You Are My Sunshine // A Finnick FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя