summer breeze

24 2 0

"I'm awake now."

The morning had been quite uneventful even with the encounter earlier this morning but it seemed as though Ben wasn't too worried about it or even it much thought especially since he wasn't sure if he had that encounter or not.

The group of boys had been mulling about the room, some coming in and out of the bathroom, getting showered, and brushing their hair on the opposite side where the sinks were located.

Ben is the only one who was completely dressed for the day even though he had slept the latest the night before, he had just finished making his bed when Joe made his declaration as he awakened,
Holding to acknowledge him as he was the only one in the room at the time, heading towards the bathroom stall side, Ben headed to the front door to go sit on the porch swing while he waited for the others so they could all go together,

"Wait, don't leave without me, please!"

Joe shouted in a panic pointing in Ben's direction with his towel in his other hand,

"I won't, I'll be right out here."

Ben explained as he stood at the doorway pointing to the empty swing that was out of view.

Joe nodded before disappearing, he could hear a faint "y'all don't either" when he turned his head he could see the others almost ready as well, now he understood the panic in Joe's voice.

He walked out and slid himself down onto the seat and instantly closed his eyes as the cool morning breeze fluttered underneath his shirt sleeves landing against his skin.

After some time he went back in to change his slippers into his sneakers for the day's events.

If nothing else, he knew there would be a lot of walking, if yesterday was any indication.

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