pack rat

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Sighing deeply, adjusting the straps of his bag once more, frustrated as to when this thing would finally get started already.

With a crackle, he could hear a distant rattle then muffled sounds before the group in front of him began moving, following closely behind he searched his mind trying to remember what the top paper said within the piles of paper his grandma gave him, he wanted to remember the information without retrieving the paper from deep inside his bag.

His efforts were thwarted when he noticed that those in front of him were just giving their first and last names, some just barely getting out the first when they were interrupted with instructions on where to go.

He hoped that was his fate as he stood in the makeshift line, awaiting his turn.

Stepping forward, he quickly spouted out his name,

"Kentrell Desean Gaulden"

Sighing with his eyes closed, wondering why he added his middle name to the introduction, and why he was so eager to give out his name before being asked.

With a smile, the guy checked his clipboard before turning and pointing, instructing him to follow the other boy who was a little ways away walking in front of him, telling him that he was headed in the same direction.

Following closely but not too close, he entered the living quarters searching for his name, spotting it carved into a sign against the wall above the bed, he headed over, quickly unpacking, making his bed, and neatly stuffing his clothes in the given treasurer chest below it.

As he clicked it close, thinking of a personal code and applying it to the padlock, he stood, smoothing out his bedsheets and snapping them tightly as he folded his huge warm blanket the door opened further and four dudes clamored in through the wide door frame.

Ken noticed that one was the dude he had followed in here, unaware that he had left in the time he set up his bed and put his clothes away, but he guessed he was back, deciding to continue with what he was already doing, he gathered his shower things and headed to the bathroom, upon entering he noticed that there were individual stalls five to be exact for the other amenities within the bathroom equipped with names carved in wood above each.

Ken went over to the cabinet next to his sink and mirror and placed his stuff in there before heading back into the main room.

Settling on his side undetected, he relaxed on his chest focusing his mind to adjust to his new surroundings.

For the next three months at least.

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