An Engagement Party

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Authors Note:
Sorry about my using Tia it should be Amelia. I went back and fixed the ones I found.

Grace and Carrick offer to throw the engagement party for us and we agree to it. Amelia and Mia have dates and so does Anastasia. Christian is Anastasia's date. Amelia invited Jordan, Matilda's son. I was surprised that she has been friends with him for a while. Grace thinks it is a great idea that Amelia is friends with Jordan. Carrick thinks it might end badly due to his handicap. But he is leaving her alone about it.
Kate only invited her mother and her new husband. She is now Mrs Strauss. They married quietly on New Years Eve. Kate thinks the guy is just what she needed. She was pretty hurt about Eamon, but got past it quickly when she became his boss at Kavanagh Media. She is having fun disciplining him on sexual harassment.
Mom is happy I am joining Amelia for her brother's engagement party. Mom is invited as well. I think she was an afterthought, but she doesn't mind that. I tried telling her that Amelia and I are not girlfriend and boyfriend but merely friends. So we are just enjoying each other's company and we love walking and rolling through the garden and watching the water. When it gets warm enough my physical therapy will include their swimming pool. She wants to help me with that and I don't mind taking the help from her. She's fun and doesn't make me feel different even though I am for now. Her family are nice, but I suspect they don't want to intrude on my time on the grounds. They do however have a security person check on me occasionally. They brought me a hot chocolate a few times.
I talked Jordan into coming to the party and bringing his mother along. She was given the day off. Caterers were going to be roaming about and she wasn't needed. The staff only watched the caterer's work so all but security were given time off. Mom felt it was only the right thing to invite Matilda if I was inviting Jordan. So I extended the invitation to them both.
I was going to have someone assist Jordan, but he stood from his wheelchair and folded it until he got past our door. I make note the fact our doors and house is not conducive to having handicapped guests. I have to talk to Elliott about remodeling our homes and my office to accommodate all physically handicapped. Jordan didn't ask fir any help at all. He did great. We were at first uncomfortable, but he put us at ease. He and Amelia joked around and Matilda jumped in on the fun. If I didn't know any better I would think Amelia and Jordan were a couple.
I see Carrick relax and ask Elliott to call him the next day about some remodeling. I think I see where he is going with this. I think I see Amelia smiling. She knows what Carrick is thinking and it would benefit all involved. Elliott did some similar aspects to Anastasia's home after she saw his designs on the pool house.
At first I thought attending this party was going to be a bad thing. Once we sat down and ate we found ourselves involved in various conversations with everyone giving points of views. Jordan is more relaxed since he arrived and met everyone. Amelia, Grace and Carrick have been the only ones who have held a conversation with Jordan up until today. He really gives off an unapproachable aura.
I am enjoying this evening and we have two celebrations going on. Enid getting married to Donald and Elliott and Kate's engagement. My parents are hoping for grandchildren. Their friends are blessed with them and they don't have even one. I think Taylor is expecting his first grandchild, he and Gail are pretty angry about his ex wife allowing Sophie to run wild while she has her. Now she is pregnant at 14 and Taylor got custody and hired a few security guards to ensure she is safe. The father of the baby is at large and 38. He will be serving time and if they can prove his ex wife had something to do with Sophie's pregnancy, she will be serving time as well. He just got the news on Christmas Day. He immediately got to the bottom of it and the more he learns, the more he finds that Sophie was not running wild. Her grades and activities prove differently. Dad got him full custody and they filed charges against the guy and hoping to press child neglect charges against his ex wife. Candace Taylor has been changing boyfriends every month or so. Sophie told us who and his age, but she is hysterical about how it happened. She waited too long to get an abortion, because had no idea she was pregnant. They are going to get her through it all. They changed her school immediately and her residence to ours. Anastasia is helping get her through some of the courses and trying to get her to pass the GED. That way she can take college courses and get her degree quicker. Kate, Amelia, Mia, mom and Gail are all making sure she stays healthy and eats properly. She was fifteen pounds underweight when Taylor forced Candace to let her visit after six months of bs excuses for her not being here. By that time she was nearly four months along. Gail and Taylor knew the second they saw her get off the plane that she was pregnant and malnourished. They took her to the ER immediately and a week later she now lives in their home with me on the sound next door to Anastasia's place. I bought it to be closer to Anastasia, Elliott used the same designs for my places and Taylor's as well. It works out quite well and we can have family events outside and then they can have outdoor games and other events for large crowds. Everyone can walk between the two properties. At first Anastasia didn't like the idea, but now she loves the idea.
Anastasia and Christian agreed to let us have the wedding on their properties, because if the number of people we are having at our wedding. Ethan and Dad want to be at my wedding, but I just am not sure their promises will hold water. They got off light because the male judge went easy on them and gave them four hundred hours of community service in a homeless shelter. They aren't allowed to be alone with any of the females living there. I decided Donald will be walking me down the aisle. It made him and mom very happy. Some of his co workers at GEH tried giving him a hard time about being so close to the Grey family. He told them that being close to mr Grey has more to do with his work ethics and less to do with him knowing him privately. He also told them if they were concentrating on the jobs they are paid to do and less talking about fellow employees they would be noticed for their effort in their work and not in their efforts of rumor spreading.
Enid is glowing and so is Kate. I am glad we had a tiny wedding done privately and telling no one at all. Elliott and Kate are having a big wedding. My first wedding was big too. Enid and I wanted just us two witnesses and the officiant. It turned out very nicely. We took a week off and we moved into my house. She is thinking about selling her home. Kate made an offer on it once she found it was on the market. So Enid sold it to her, Elliott gave her the cash to buy it and they are remodeling it. They donated all the furniture to a charity after the sale went through. I wanted nothing to do with the house our furnishings Eamon had sat or slept in.

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