Bodies Found

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The police arrive at my office and inform me they have found my wife and it looks like a murder suicide at first. Then they looked again and they think that her male companion might have shot at what he thought might have been an intruder. And Barbara shot him thinking he was the intruder and realized she killed her companion and killed herself when she realized what she had done. Apparently they were a couple, they found photos of them in intimate poses and they are fairly certain this is what happened after finding two guns and both had shot them. One bullet hit the front door frame and was from the gun he had in his hand. The shot that killed her and him was a Glock. Hers appears self inflicted. I ask if they are sure it is her and they tell her fingerprints were on file and I don't know the half of what they found out about my wife, well my dead wife now. They asked me where I was at a certain time and I have a very valid alibi and more than one person can attest to my whereabouts at that time. They ask what I want to do with her body? I tell the cop I could care less what happens to her body, but if I am going to pay for it she needs cremated. No service just have her cremated. Send me the bill for the cremation. They say I need to make those arrangements myself. Otherwise they would running around working on burying people or cremating them and that's not their job. Then they would get sued for doing the wrong thing by deciding on burying the bodies. Point made, thanks. Where do I need to go? They tell me to check with the coroners office and leave. I think they are still sore about the SPD having to settle with miss Steele. I call attorney Davidson and tell him that I was told my so called wife's body was found and I still want him to go through the annulment, in case it was a mistake. But they identified her by her fingerprints. I want a DNA to confirm it is her and how can we get one?
I can arrange that and everything else if you wish? Death certificates will be needed and release of the body and if you want arrange for her burial?
I need to do this for closure and I am just cremating her, nothing else. I need the death certificates for life insurance policies and the DNA tests to prove it was my wife. I have some of her things so we can get DNA from those items, just let me know.
I can get that arranged for you and the cremation after we prove it is her. I can find out where she is and have the DNA test run. We get everything done in four days, it is definitely his wife and two more men's wife. Two missing persons reports came up and all because of DNA testing. A mr Forrester and a mr Thomas were notified and the police advised them of her death. So they had to have death certificates as well for documentation for life insurance and other legal reasons. This woman had four more children, all by wealthy men. She took a lot of money after she had the wedding band on her finger. She didn't go to the extremes she did to mr Nelson. I checked for accounts in all her names and found out she took these previous husbands for millions each. But mr Nelson put his wife in a strict budget after she spent money for frivolous things. A gold toothpick for three hundred dollars. Mr Nelson said it was such a stupid purchase he stopped her access to his money. He made the mistake of allowing her to handle paying the staff, he is still handling the fallout from that. He said she failed to pay three of the staff and they were paid finally by him and he also found she was violating the contracts with the staff. Anastasia filed a grievance with the labor board. He paid fines and had to do an audit of all his employees to ensure they finally got compensation for all their work hours. It was over a hundred thousand dollars by the time he made reparations. The labor board realized that he wasn't the one doing this, but it was his wife, so he was found liable as well. He was lucky they didn't prosecute him, but they took pity on him for being blindly in love with his wife. After learning his wife had plans to kill miss Steele and a buyer for his daughter along with sending a ransom note for a lot more money. She didn't realize how strong the protective nature of miss Steele was toward Angela. So miss Steele screwed up everything for her. I still think she had something to do with miss Steele being held in the prison part of the hospital. I told Carrick my feelings on this and Mrs Nelson tried to kill miss Steele in front of guards while she was cuffed at her wrists and ankles to the bed helpless. Mr Nelson stopped her. I have someone investigating that whole thing and we have suspects, we just need to get concrete evidence against them.
Mom is having a party here at the house for family and friends and it is to talk about getting a charity going regarding older foster children and helping get them adopted and other services to help them if they age out if the system. I had no idea Anastasia was one of the foster children who aged out of the system. She turned out to be one of the lucky ones and was very resourceful. Plus she us diligent in her work ethic and her studies. She has a scholarship and nearly lost due her being accused of being involved in the kidnapping, dad took her case very seriously and mr Nelson had to cover her loss of the scholarship monies. He didn't hesitate in doing just that.

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