37:the truth

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"Him" she told me, her speech not great but we was getting somewhere.

I had no clue what had set her off to have what looks like a panic attack. She had completely zoned out at the casino and it took me about five minutes to get her attention.

"Who's him" I asked. Was she talking about a ex? No she couldn't be, she hadn't gotten into a relationship before.

She began to tear up again, makeup going down her face. Her breathing got short again. She looked like she had saw a ghost, pale and I was worried she would throw up.

Before she could say anything sobs left her lips, she wasn't crying, she was fucking sobbing. I couldn't stand seeing her like this, it was fucking breaking me.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I took her in my arms, comforting her the best I could. I rested my chin on the top of her head and ran my fingers through her hair.

I felt her tears begin to drench my shirt, and her hiccups and sobs filled my ears. I had to resist the emotions that came up by seeing her like this, I could have cried with her.

I don't know who or what she meant by him, but I had a bad feeling of what she was going to tell me.

"My dad" she whispered into my shoulder and I felt my blood begin to boil.

The nightmares, the night sweats, the random panic and zoning out. It all came to me. Fuck, how could I be so stupid. Her cries that would wake herself in the middle of the night, the cries I heard multiple times but didn't push her to tell me what they were about.

The way her mood changed entirely when her dad was mentioned in Italy.

"No, get off me" She yelled as she sat up in a panic from her sleep. Sweat dripped from her forehead, down her chest.

The first night I took her back to my place after she got shitfaced drunk at my club.

"Please don't do this" She tried to bargain in her sleep as I watched the woman next to me utterly distressed in the supposed comfort of her own home.

Expect her childhood home was far from comforting to her, because-fuck.

She was raped by her own dad.

I tried to ignore the tear that left one of my eyes and the sick feeling that generated in my stomach. I held onto her tighter, as tight as i possibly could.

I was going to fucking kill him. And to make it easier, he was in my club.

"Mi amore I need you to say it for me" I told her, I needed to hear it from her lips before I done anything stupid. More sobs left her lips and I screwed my eyes shut at the sound of the woman I loved breaking. "I know it's hard baby, but I really need you to do this for me" I pressed.

I hated that I had to push her. Especially right now, but I needed to know.

"He" she began, her nails digging into my back. "Raped me" she let go with a sob. She clutched onto me with everything she had in her and completely broke down. Her body wasn't able to hold itself up, she fell limp in my arms. She felt cold and I couldn't imagine how sick she felt after seeing him.

"What's his name Mila" I asked her, feeling guilty for pushing her with questions but I had never felt more angry in my fucking life.

"Jonathan" she said and my eyes widened. Surely she couldn't be taking about Johnathan- "Diaz" she finished and my jaw clenched and fists bunched up unconsciously.

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