"My bed is a twin Tyler, how are the both of us supposed to fit?" I tried. Tyler turned onto his back and looked at me.

"Just lay on top of me." He outstretched one of his arms and I looked away with my face blushing. He reached out farther to pinch my bare stomach, that was showing due to my small shirt. I smacked his hand away, in disbelief over how weird and annoying he was being.

"Are you serious right now?" I couldn't help but allow myself to walk towards his arms. He wrapped them around me and picked me up, then laid me on the bed. My body was on top of his, our legs laying in between each other. His tattooed arm was wrapped against the back of my midriff, as he tightened his grip. That stupid smile was on his face.

"See? Is this so bad?" Tyler's free arm pushed my hair back for a while, as he stared into my eyes longer than usual. I lowered my head into the crook of his neck. He smelled so good, it was unreal. I couldn't stop smelling him. Suddenly, I felt his arm move down my body. His hand gripped my butt firmly as I raised my head and saw that smile again.

"Stop Tyler." I said sternly. He laughed quietly as he put his arm back around my midriff. I laid my head back on my crossed arms which were on his shoulder. My eyes closed as I felt myself drifting off into sleep.  As his aroma got stronger, I became more tired. I didn't want to leave him. Tyler's other arm started playing with my hair, which only set me up more to fall asleep.


I woke up suddenly in the dark and raised my head. I still felt Tyler's body under mine but I couldn't see what he was doing. I reached for my lamp and turned it on. Tyler instantly cringed and opened his eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked. I sat up, straddling Tyler. He grinned. "So that's what you're into?" He asked.

"Shut up." I said getting up. I got off my bed and checked my phone. It was 8:17 P.M and I had 3 missed calls from my sister. "Tyler we've been sleep for like, 5 hours." He got up and rubbed his mouth.

"Did we pack?" He looked at the two boxes in the middle of the room. I got a throb of pain in my head.

"No, obviously we didn't. Thanks to you, we haven't got anything but these two boxes packed. Matter of fact, there's no we, I packed them. You decided to sleep." I started getting irritated as my headache increased. I realized I barely ate all day, and for some reason I wasn't hungry. I wanted to go home.

"Okay Sav, bitching at me about this isn't going to get us anywhere. Let's just think." He got up and stretched.

"Tyler, just shove as much as you can into a box. Seriously." I said throwing my clothes into a trash bag.

"Alright babe." He walked past me and touched my waist, smiling. I smacked his hand away, trying not to show that I enjoyed it.

We ended up finishing around 11 at night. My dorm was bare and empty, which was an uncomfortable sight to see. I hopped into Tyler's car rubbing my eyes, yawning. He started the car and pulled off.

"I haven't ate all day besides that bite of that taco." I said quietly, looking out the window.

"Seriously? Are you hungry?" He asked. "We can get something really quick."

"No, my stomach hasn't growled or anything. I don't feel hungry. I could go without eating something." The streets were empty as Tyler got onto highway. He looked at me funny.

"Well, that's not good. You need to eat something. Once we get off the highway, we'll find somewhere to go."


We spent a large part of the ride home in silence again. It was starting to get unsettling. I looked at Tyler as he drove and watched him. He was so attractive, especially with his facial hair. God, I loved his facial hair. I loved it before I even met him, back when I only knew him as a player for the local hockey team.

"Don't shave." I said quietly. He looked at me confused.

"Why? What are you talking about?"

"Your facial hair, it just.. it makes you look really good." I said quietly. My words were coming out quicker than I wanted them to. Tyler laughed.

"Just for you. I won't." He smiled. "What made you say that?"

"I was just looking at you, and you looked cool. Sorry, I sound weird." I laughed sheepishly as I turned around.

"I look cool huh?" He asked. I nodded.

I checked my phone, and forgot my sister called me. I called back and she answered on the third ring.

"Savannah, where are you? Are you crazy? I was worried sick, did you get your stuff out?" Julia yelled out. I rubbed my head as my headache increased.

"I'm fine Julia, I'm with Tyler driving home now. We fell asleep." I said quietly.

"You fell asleep? What?" She shrieked. Tyler looked at me confused and I shook my head. "How do you fall asleep while packing?"

"He said we should take a nap, so we went to sleep." I told. I was praying quietly she wouldn't say anything crazy that Tyler could hear.

"How did you sleep in that small room? That makes no sense, there's-"

"We slept in the same bed. I slept on top of him."  I said quickly, looking at Tyler. I saw him get flustered as he looked at me funny. Julia gasped.

"You're LYING! Did he do anything funny? Tell me everything right now. Wow, I'm speechless." Julia was babbling while I was rubbing my head. Tyler looked at me and laughed.

"Julia, I'll talk to you later. I have to go." I said hanging up before she said anything else. I had a headache now and I could tell Tyler knew. He looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked pulling off the highway. I nodded.

"Yeah, my sister is just crazy." Tyler placed his hand on my knee again, this time not saying anything. I looked at him. "What are you doing?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I don't know. Am I making you feel weird?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No? You've been acting really touchy today, what's up with that?" I asked. He laughed.

"What can I say? I can't keep my hands off of you." He said. I went red.

"I hate it when you do that. I really do."

"Hate when I do what?" He pulled into a parking lot of a supermarket. I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said. He pulled into a parking space and shut the car off.

"Let's get something out of here really quick, since it's the only place that's open." He looked at me then and smiled.

We walked into the supermarket under the breezy night sky. Tyler wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I blushed as I tried to pull away, but with no success.

I ended up getting me a Lunchable, since it was something small and I didn't have to cook it. For some reason, Tyler bought a bunch of Danimals yogurt. I didn't complain when he offered me one, which I took. I ate my food while Tyler drove.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your sister's?" He asked quietly. His question brought me back to earth, and I didn't want to leave him just yet. I shook my head.

He looked confused. "Where do you want to go then?"

"Your house."

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