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Luisa Madrigal was often seen as a helpful young woman who tried to take the weight off of everyone's shoulders. First thing after breakfast she would head into town to see what she could do for the people. Her Abuela always taught her that because they were given a gift, the Madrigals needed to give back.

Helping the community was easy, and during the short rest times Luisa would get, she likes to talk with the children of the town. The kids knew she was very strong, and loved to climb and play on Luisa, hanging from her arms or riding on her shoulders. Luisa loved the children, and despite her hard exterior was a very caring person.

Often you would see her running about the town trying to finish helping with enough time for herself. She had started taking certain days of the week off, and you were proud of her for it. You had seen her whole music number about the pressure on her shoulders, and had been worried ever since. Seeing her take care of herself gave you a sigh of relief.

You see, Luisa had caught your eye very early on, but you always been too shy to talk to her. Never even mentioning your crush for fear that Delores would hear and tell her. Instead, you would write or paint how you felt. You'd take any chance you could to see Luisa without causing too much suspicion.

Your family owns a small farm of donkeys, and every once in while you'd set them out just so you could see Luisa. She's come to collect them, and you'd watch from your window or out on your painting hill. You know she's more than just her muscles, but they are a strikingly attractive feature about her.

Today you had were about halfway through a painting of the encanto when you saw Luisa walking by. Sheepishly you hid behind your painting as she strode by with confidence. Luisa just seemed so perfect, every time you saw her you got flustered.

You too actually used to be very close, but as she got older with more responsibilities, you drifted apart. Hopefully, now that she has time to rest you could reconnect. You noticed Luisa heading just outside of encanto. This worried you, it wasn't safe out there. Without a second thought you abandoned you art supplies to follow her.

Quietly sneaking behind her, trying not to make a sound you trudged on. Outside of encanto was a large forest. Amazed by how much wildlife there was everywhere with so little sunlight from the canopy above, you stopped paying attention to Luisa. Suddenly she was gone, and you were stuck by yourself. Frantically looking in front of you when suddenly you feel something grab your hips. The start of a scream escapes your lips before a large hand covers your mouth.

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