Ch. 12 : Leonidas

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I shouted from the top of my lungs, though I thought I did but stop immediately. I realized that after father used a sleeping spell on me and black out I know how the story progress at that point, frustrating as it is Vhisha and the others are dead.

I felt like the inside of me are both angry and sad, but not the time to think about it! First thing to do now is to get out of here, this maybe one of the underground cell within the Sodaja kingdom but its too cramp and dark as a cell and why am I lied down?

My stomach growls violently...

That hurts!!!! My stomach hurts!!...

Don't tell me I'm going to die again out of hunger?!

I shouldn't feel hungry right now, Gallan's demon should~~~


Wait demon?

Ohhh! I just remember Gallan has a demon soul!

In my book Gallan survive a year without eating and that's because the demon inside of him kept devouring every souls of the dead within its soul feasting area of effects. If I think about it.... In my book Gallan can continuously borrow its power because it let's him but as I've wrote it in some other of my sequel each of the primordial demons have arcane names only they themselves know about it because if someone other than them not by guess but at the act of knowing they're name will you able to tame that demon. As for me?

He he he...... I was the one who named all four of the primordial demons.

As for this one inside Gallan, its just a fragments of the strongest primordial demon but I think it still share the same name of the original.

The real story goes like this...

Once upon a time there was two brothers practicing a sword skill in their mansions backyard garden, Reyhold and Gallan, while Reyhold was practising a light sword technique then he accidentally hit his little brother with the light sword he made, but!

That's not how the story goes...

When Reyhold was practically back and fort swinging his light sword as a form of training, while training he saw this eerie sight of his right side view a form of a slight rift in the space and from within he saw six bright red eyes glowing gleam, from that rift, a big gray fingers start to emerge from it and attempted to further opening the small rift of the space it had created. Reyhold overcomes with fear charge towards the rift and tries to cut the fingers that emerges, the demon notice it and for all the thousand of years battling the Highborns knows what the boy at the other sides is holding, it thinks that its a high level smite that infused in swords though it is really not what the demon is thinking but the demon really don't know what the people capable of at the other sides. One slice from it will directly hurt the soul and a demon don't want to give up even one soul away from its body, so it quickly shut off the space rift and in the process seven of its top fingers got cut off and dissipated in an instance.

Reyhold still charging towards the unknown creatures grips his light sword and readied himself for an all out strike, with a full force he attempts a swing without knowing who was at the other sides of the space rift, the rift quickly shut and cut off the fingers that trying to open it a moments ago but Reyhold knowing his strike can't be stop by the momentum his in at the moment... knows where his strike will lead him.

That's the story! Reyhold sliced half of Gallan's soul and the demon soul dwells at the fingers took refuge at Gallan's soul and will eventually take over once Vhisha would die.

Now Vhisha already died and instead of the demon soul taking over of Gallan's soul plot twisted and was replaced by my soul instead.

Now that I know that, i tried to communicate with the demon soul inside of me.

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