Hannah's pov

"Hannah, why do you have an adhesive dressing on your leg?" My mother asked. "Some guys accidentally tripped me over while coming to the castle. He decide to help clean up the wound," I was telling my brother mother about this guy while everyone was getting interviewed by my father until I saw him.  There were a few guys which was surprising so he wasn't the only one. I decided to bring Sapnap with me to go talk to him while my parents were talking to people cause I'm not allowed to go places by myself. I grab Sapnap's hand and drag him over to the nice boy.

Karl's pov

I saw the princess and prince walking towards me and I realized she's the girl I tripped earlier. How did I not notice it was her even though I was with her for so long. I'm getting kicked out. Ok, Karl act like you don't notice them and stay calm. I say taking a deep breath. I was a nervous reck, preparing to walk away. "Hello," says Hannah while waving at me.

Sapnap's pov

This day is boring I feel like I might die and might I add it's really hot in the ballroom due to all the people standing around. My sister is causally talking to this guy and he looks scared, nervous even. I would be to if I tripped over my sister if I was a commoner and came to the interview. "You never told me your name," Hannah says looking atthe boy curiously. "Oh uh sorry, it's Karl Jacobs."

I see my parents looking around confused on where we are. "Hannah we should go back so you can see who are parents pick." I sigh tiredly "But I want Karl," Why would she want someone who tripped her over. I stare at her like she's crazy but she's eight so it makes sense. I told her to tell mother and father that she would like Karl and that they should interview him. Karl is just following behind us fidgeting with his fingers nervously. I'm still wondering why she would want.

I mean I could get used to having a boy being my sister's assistance so he doesn't flirt with me and he's cute so I wouldn't mind. "Mother, Father I found the person who I want to be my servant so you have to interview him," She states but it seems more like a demand.

So it was that easy. I just needed to find someone who would trip over my sister and help clean the wound. "So what's your name?" My father asks. "Karl Jacobs." My father checked the list of people to see if they were there for the interview and he was on there. My sister was still holding his hand. My parents decide to interview him here since my sister won't let go of his hand.

It's only 9:30 and we're done. "Alright everyone the interviews are over. Please take your leave now." Announced Dream. "Everyone who works here please go back to your jobs," My father said. So I left with Dream and George. Time to go back to being a third wheel. I stand in the middle of them wrapping my arms around there shoulders and whisper. "Please don't flirt with each other I don't want to have to deal with being a third wheel." I sigh tiredly. "No promises," Dream said smirking.

Karl's pov

So I was wrong about being kicked out and somehow got the job. "Alright so with this job you will get to stay at the castle." The queen said.  I start to worry about how my mum will deal with being alone but I've got to also be independent and not worry about her as much. "So we go get your stuff now," Hannah said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the ballroom.

-Time skip to when Karl is seeing his room-

"Ok, this is your room, Karl. You will be sharing with Dream, George, and Quackity, and you will be sleeping on that bed there." Punz said pointing to one of the beds. "Thank you Punz." I walk in and set my stuff on my bed. Hannah gave me a page of rules that I have to follow with her. "Make sure you remember all of these rules," she said smiling but then her face dropped. "Or you will be fired," She started smiling again and walked off.

Princess Hannah's rules

- Call me Hannah

- No flirting with Sapnap

- Must always be with me

- Wake me up at 7 am and finish at 9 pm unless I ask for another time

- No flirting with Sapnap

- Wake up at 6 am

- Have fun

I think that's it but if you have to ask about any rules please ask me.

They seem easy except I'm confused why no flirting with Sapnap is there twice. Yes I may like boys but I would be to nervous to flirt with anyone. I'll have to go ask her. I walk out and go to Hannah's room. "Hey, Hannah, I have a question?" "Yes what is your question," "Why is no flirting with Sapnap on there twice."

"Well interesting enough the last two girls have flirted with my brother and you could like boys so I had to add that. Speaking of that what is your sexuality. Sorry if that's to private but I have to know," "Alright, well I'm bisexual with a preference of men," "I expect though that you probably wouldn't like my weird brother anyway. You're way to good for him," After having a chat with Hannah I decide to explore the castle having permission to not be her servant today.

-time skip to 9 pm-

Quackitys pov

Me, Dream, and George are walking back to our room when we see the door open. "George, did you forget to close the door again?" I asked "No, I swear I did close it," "Guys it's just Hannah's new servant. He's staying in our room as we have a bed left." We walk in to see him laying peacefully on his bed playing on his phone. I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen us. I guess he has had a shower already.

"Hi!" I yelled excitedly to meet him. He looked up at us with a questioning look. "Umm hi, I'm Karl Jacobs and I assume you guys are Dream, George and Quackity," "Yeah you're correct. I'm Dream, the one who is wearing the beanie and the loud one is Quackity and that's George." "They're dating," I said. "Ok," He say smiling looking back at his phone. I decide to ask him a bunch of questions while Dream and George take turns to have a shower.

"Quackity it's your turn to shower." I jump down from the top bunk. Soon everyone goes to sleep.

Karl's pov

It takes me a while to go to sleep so I walk down to the kitchen and get something to eat. I slowly walk back upstairs to the room when I bump into someone. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "Who are you," he whispers. How many introductions am I gonna have to do? "Karl Jacobs and you." "Ah, the new guy. Everyone's heard about you. You're the guy who bumped into Hannah. Well i'm Wilbur Soot. I'm one of the guards."

I stand there embarrassed with how many people know about how I tripped over Hannah. "Are you a night guard or you just awake?" "Just awake. Alright, night." and with that, he left. I have a habit of bumping into people. I curse to myself hoping not to bump into anyone else on my way to the room.

I slowly walk back in trying not to wake up anyone and lay down. Alright time to sleep as I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I start to feel tired and soon after I fall asleep into a peaceful sleep.


Word count - 1974

- Chloe

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