Chapter 1

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I stretched and rolled around in my bed as the alarm rang continuosly. I rubbed my eyes groggily and sat up in my bed. He must have set the alarm to wake him up. Hope he is already awake. I grabbed my phone that was lying on the table next to me. It was 8.30 in the morning. The alarm continued ringing as I stepped out of bed, dragging my feet to the living room.

"Hey! When are you going to shut off the alarm and wake up?" I yelled, making Kenji roll off the sofa.

"Chill. Its only 8.30. We are suppose to meet at the airport with Yaz at 11," Kenji said. That was true but the airport is an hour away from where we are at now.

" Yes, which is exactly why we need to leave at 10!" Kenji always takes an hour to shower and 30 minutes to get ready. Its annoying. I let out a sigh before grabbing my towel and dragging myself to the toilet. I placed right next to the sink and started showering.

Once I was done, I looked through my closet to find an oufit to wear. It is going to be a reunion so I thought of wearing something welcoming. Then, I finally made up my mind.

I hav rlly bad fashion sense so yeah. I'm not gonna come up with those kinda things. I'm only gonna describe my OCs. I use gacha club to do that just so uk.
Ok done, on to the story!!!!!!

After I was done, I took my comb and brushed my pale brown hair which only reached just below my shoulders. I had given up on my pink hair when Darius said I should just be me. He is a really nice kid. I can't belive that a twelve year old was more mature than a fifteen year old. Six years have passed and Kenji is still the same. But, from when we escaped Isla Nublar, he changed. He was a more gentle and understanding. I liked that. But a year after that, he went back to who he was earlier. I had to put up with it. I loved him. I thought that he just missed his life back home, though he was not at home. When I told him I needed a break since I was too young to be dating. So we kept distant for the next three years. Small chats to make sure we are ok. Then, when I was finally ready for him, I called. He would be glad to have me back. He suggested we celebrated this by staying at a hotel for a while. But things just got worse. My web channel, now gaming channel, has gained more fans and they were really encouraging. Some said we should get married as we haven't we revealed our ages. I was happy to get lots of support but it seemed that their admiration has got into kenji's head. He became arrogant. He became more annoying and more hard to put up with. That was it. We broke up. However, we are still friends and we try to mantain a good relationship.

"Brooklynn! Are you done? I need help in here! I don't know if I should choose my red or blue top!" He exclaimed from the toilet. He is also trying to mend our relationship ny getting me into weird situations such as almost opening the toilet door when I'm in it and ,of course, asking me to choose his outfit for the day when he has no clothing on. It feels weird to say it now. Naked.

"BROOKLYNN! I NEED HELP HERE!!" He called out once more, excitement flowed with his voice. I could tell that he really wants me to come. "BROOKLY-"


Silence followed.



" Yessir, B! I'll be done in 10 minutes!" A voice finally rose from the silenced atmosphere. I sighed. How annoying. I looked up to the shelf, Darius. I missed him. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. We got along really well and I really enjoyed his company. Among the five of them, he is my favourite. It was then that I realise, I had a crush on Darius. No, no, no! He is just a friend. A best friend, bestie, buddy. No! I can't. I looked back to the shelf, where there are other photos. I saw one with Sammy and Yasmina. They are made for each other. "Brooklynn, are okay? I called you six times and you didn't reply. You seem lost in thought. Is everything alright?" He asked.

" I'm fine, just thinking about Darius, I mean the other guys, Sammy, Yasmina, Ben and Darius, you know?" he stare at me. Making sure I wasn't suspicious. Just then an alarm rang. Its already 9.45. "Let's go, Kenji. You have everything packed right?" his expression was blank. "Right, kenji?" I asked once again with a forced voice.

"I may have forgotten to pack tissues, but nevermind," he said proudly.

"Ugh, Kenji! Seriously! Just get those damn packets of tissues right now!" I sighed. He straighten his back and ran to the kitchen. Meanwhile, I grabbed my luggage and whipped out my phone. I pushed down a few numbers and got the phone dialing. I sighed. Kenji sure is a hard person to get along with. Why did even dated him?


" Ah, yes. This is Brooklynn, room 182, level 18. We would like to book out of this room. Is that all right sir?"

"Yes, Ms Kon. I'm only free at 10 so do come down by then,"

" Thank you very much but I am not Ms Kon. Just Brooklynn. Kenji is not my-"

" Oh dear, I am really sorry. Anyway, please wait ok, see you dear,"

" Thank you really much," by the time I hanged up, Kenji was on the sofa waiting. "We'll head down at 10 so let's wait!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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