We don't talk about Bruno

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I notice Mirabel coming out of her tío Bruno's tower. "So, how was the stairs?" I ask as she walks fast. "Oh yeah, wonderful." She says sarcastically. "I am so sorry for leaving you!" I apologized. She accepts my apology and shows me these green shards. "I'll explain everything-." She gets cut off with Antonio's voice shouting my name. "I am so sorry again. I'll just be right back! I swear!" I apologize again and left.

TIMESKIP (gotta love these little timeskips)

"Why am I in your vision, Bruno." I whispered to myself. I get cut off by thunder. I quickly turned around and placed the green shards carefully into my bag. I gasped. "Tía, geez." I say towards tía Pepa. "Sorry, sorry, I, I, didn't mean too." She looks up. "Shoo, Shoo, Shoo!" She shoves the cloud outside the room as she closes the door. "I just wanted to get the last of Antonio's things. And then I heard the name, we do not speak." She whispers the last bit. "Great. Now i'm thundering. A thunder leads to a drizzle, then a drizzle turns into a sprinkle!" My tía panicked. "Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies." She calms herself down.
"Tía Pepa, if Brun.." I get cut off of thunder "If he had a vision about someone what would it mean for them-." I get cut off again of my tía's cloud sprinkling. "We don't talk about Bruno." She squeezed a clothe to drain the water. "I know, it's just. Hypothetically, if he saw you." I reply. "Mirabel, please. We need to get ready for the Guzmàns." She pleaded me as she shooed away her cloud. "I just wanna know if it was generally positive or less positive-." I get cut off from my tío. "It was a nightmare!" Tío Felix barged in. "Felix!" My tía Pepa yells. "She needs to know, baby. She need to know." He comes closer to me. Tía Pepa gets up and tried hushing her husband. "Don't talk about Bruno." She warns. "He would say something terrible! And then-!" He gets even closer. He makes these noises. "It was happen." He whispers. "We don't talk about Bruno!" She nudged her husbands shoulder. "What if you didn't understand what he saw?" I questioned.
"Then, you better figure it out because he was coming for you." He grabs my arms. "We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!" Tía Pepa pushed us away (mostly her husband).

"We don't talk about Bruno." She sung
"But!" She says before continuing.
"It was my wedding day!" She sang as the scenery changed. She was in her wedding dress. My tía looks pretty.
"It was our wedding day!" Tío Felix sung along while both of them were dancing together.
"We we're getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky."
"No clouds allowed in the sky!"
"Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin."
"You telling this story or am I?"
"I'm sorry. Mi vida, go on."
"Bruno says it looks like rain."
"Why did he tell us."
"In doing so, he floods my brain."
"Abuela, get the umbrella's."
"Married in a hurricane."
"What a joyous day but anyway."
"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!" They sang together.
"We don't talk about Bruno!"
Tío Felix twirls me around. Suddenly I was with Dolores.
"Hey, grew in a live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling." Dolores dances with me as she whispers.
"I can always hear him sort of muttering or mumbling"
"I associate him with the sound falling sand."
"Ch, ch, ch."
"It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling."
"Always left Abuela and the family fumbling."
"Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand."
"Do you understand?" Dolores comes closer to my face.
Suddenly I'm with Y/N and Camilo.
"A seven foot frame, rats along his back." Camilo sang as Y/N created green shards to represent his visions.
"When he calls your name." Y/N and Camilo harmonized together.
"It all fades to black!"
"Yeah." Y/N and Camilo says.
"He sees your dreams and feasts on your screams." Camilo impersonates tío Bruno. I fall through the floor.
"Hey." I hear Y/N's voice.
"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no."
I got caught by Y/N. She held me in bridal style.
Everyone else sang along with them. Soon she let go of me. I see Camilo as tío Bruno. I walk through a tunnel leading to the village.
"We don't talk about Bruno."
♪( '▽`)
A villager showed her goldfish in a bowl.
"He told me my fish would die." She sang
"The next day, dead!" Her pet fish suddenly 'dies'.
"No, no!" The villagers sang.
"He told me I'd grow a gut!" A man showed up.
"And just like he said!"
"No, no!"
"He said that all my hair would disappear, now look at my head!" The villager cries.
"No, no!"
"Your fate is sealed with your prophecy is read!" Y/N and my family sang together.
I was back at the casita and I see my sister on a swing. I scoff at my sisters 'perfectness'.
"He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be mine." She sang as the swing lowers her down.
"He told me that my power would grow."
"Like the grapes that thrive on the vine."
"Óye, Mariano's on his way." Abuela announced.
"He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach." Dolores told me.
"Betrothed to another." She sang.
"It's like I hear him now." She tries telling me.
"Hey, sis." My 'perfect' sister approaches me.
"I want not a sound out of you."
"It's like I can hear him now." Dolores and Isabela's voices start overlapping.
"I can hear him now!"
"Um, Bruno." I sang looking for answers.
"Yeah about that Bruno."
"I really need to know about Bruno."
"Gimmie the truth and the whole truth, Bruno!"
"Isabela, your boyfriend's here!" Camilo shape shifts into Mariano as Y/N had flowers in her hair. My cousin laughs as he's Mariano.
"Time for dinner!" They all sang together.
Everyone starts overlapping each other as they sing their part while getting the table ready.
As I walk to my room, I manage to see my sister struggling to pick up a plant. I got in my room and I close my door. I take out the green shards to reveal Bruno's vision in the shards. I start putting the shards together as I hear my family and Y/N singing around me. Y/N danced with Camilo as Luisa shooed them aside while she sobbed. Tía Pepa and Tío Felix danced together.
As I finish the putting the parts together, I see myself and the house with large cracks in it. I get worried.
"He's here!" I hear someone tell us that Mariano is here.
"Don't talk about Bruno."
"Why did I talk about Bruno?!" I say to myself.
"Not a word about Bruno!"
"I never shoulda brought up Bruno!" I regretted.
My dad knocks on my door. "Miraboo! Got your party pants on? 'Cause I-." He walks in on me. He sees the glowing green shards and I try hiding it.
My dad had his mouth wide open in shock. He looks at it and looks back at me. "I broke into Bruno's tower. I found his last vision. The family's in trouble. The magic is dying. The house is breaking, Luisa's gift is fading. And I think it's all because of.." I confessed. "Me?" I tell him.
He lightly moved me to the side and he had a worried look on his face.
"Pá?" I questioned.
We hear the doorbell ring.
"We say nothing. Abuela wants tonight to be perfect." My dad quickly picks up the shards and places them in his pockets. "Until the Guzmán's leave, you did not break into Bruno's tower. The magic is not dying. The house is not breaking." He whispers. He holds my shoulders. "Luisa's gift is not fading. No one will know. Just act normal." He says. "No one has to know." He whispers as my door slightly opens revealing Dolores. "Oh." Dolores makes her signature noise. We turn our heads to see her. "I know." She whispers as she walks away. "She's gonna tell everyone." I tell my father. "Time to eat!" Abuela called for us. My dad and I sat next to each other.
º· .•*¨✼ºᵒ••ᵒº° ˚°ºᵒ••ᵒº.✼¨*•.* ゚
I sit between Camilo and Dolores. I notice Mirabel and Dolores were having a staring contest. I bet Dolores would win it for sure. I thought while grabbing food and placing them on my plate. We all grab our waters and raised them up. "Avocado?" I hear Mariano hold a bowl of avocados in front of Mirabel's face. "Camilo, Y/N come closer." Dolores whispers to us catching our attention. "Mirabel found Bruno's vision." She whispers to us. Camilo transforms into Mirabel and then Bruno. He turns back into himself but with his face messed up. I was drinking water and the water went into the wrong pipe. I start coughing a LOT. I tried hitting my chest to clear my throat. The Guzmán's looked at both of us. "Camilo, fix your face." Camilo's father he told him. He shakes his head and his face was normal again. I kept coughing. "Are you alright?" Camilo whispered to me. "Yeah, we found out Mirabel found Bruno's vision! Of course not!" I snapped at him. "Anyway, you should probably tell your dad about this." I tell him. "Hm, good idea." He replied. I cannot believe she was able to go up and down those stairs on her own! I thought to myself. I looked up at Mirabel and a jug of water was in her face. "Water?"Isabela shoved the jug. I hear Camilo telling his dad about it. "Mirabel found Bruno's vision." He whispers. His dad spat out water everywhere onto the Guzmán's food and wine. Mariano shrieked at disgust. Camilo puts a warm smile on his face but still looked worried. "Act normal." I whisper to him. He nods in response. "Mirabel." Abuela called. "Huh?" Mirabel turned her head quickly. "The cream, please?" Abuela asks. I hear Mirabel asking for the cream. I notice her dad acting a bit suspicious.

I'm Grateful, You're Mine || Camilo M.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum