Episode 5: Crush

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3rd POV

I used to think being a superhero was just the scariest thing I could do.

Duke leaned against the wall of his school building, staring at attractive young girl reading on the stairs.

I mean, what's more terrifying than fighting crime in Gotham City?

And then I saw her.

Dick leaned in close behind him, scaring the infatuated young man.  "Who are you staring at?"


Duke held his arms close, blushing.  "I'm not staring."

Dick placed his hands in his pockets.  "If you like her, you can just ask her out."

"I'm not—that isn't—I mean, HYPOTHETICALLY, if I wanted to do that, how would I...?"  He asked awkwardly.

Dick smiled and wrapped his arm around him.  "Just ask her if she wants to see a movie or get coffee or something.  Worst thing she can do is say no.  It's not that bad."

"Yes it is!"  Duke stated terrified.

The two walked to Dick's car as he gave advice.  "Try and work in a pun.  Ladies love puns."

Duke lowered his head and sulked.  "Jason's right.  You give terrible advice."

-- Time Skip --

Ok.  Don't panic.  You can do this.

His crush waved at him and smiled.  "Hey, Duke!"  He imaged pink roses surrounding her.

"...Hi..."  He whispered before putting his hand to his head in embarrassment.

Real smooth.

-- Time Skip --

The two soon-to-be lovebirds were partnered in science class.  Duke was holding onto a blue beaker and Ana was writing down on the clipboard.

"Ana?  Um, I've been wondering..."  Duke asked not paying attention to the chemicals he was holding.

"Yes?"  She responded, not looking up form the clipboard.

"I, um, I've been thinking about is and—"  He started to pour the blue liquid into the beaker on the counter containing a green liquid.

"Don't do that."  She stated worriedly.

"Oh."  Duke looked down disappointedly, thinking she was rejecting him.

"No, I mean don't do THAT!"  In actuality, the blue liquid caused a chemical to reaction with the green liquid, turning it purple and it started bubbling.



It exploded in their faces.

-- Time Skip --

I never should have listened to Dick.

Duke was clutching his bad, dirtied from the explosion he faced during science class.

"Hey!"  Duke turned around to see Ana standing  behind him.

"I tried to catch you after class, but you practically sprinted out of there.  I wanted to give you something."  She sat next to him and handed Duke a small piece of paper.

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