Episode 4: Favoritism

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It was an average day for the Batfamily.  Bruce was sitting on his brown chair in the living room reading the newspaper.  He saw Dick come in with a large cardboard box.

Bruce looked up from his newspaper, "Hey, Dick.  What's with the box?"

Dick smiled and turned to Bruce, "There was this huge sale of Justice League memorabilia yesterday.  I picked up stuff for everyone-got all their favorite heroes!"

"That was nice of you."

"It was no big deal!"  Dick waved goodbye and headed out of the living room.  "I'll catch ya later!"  As he turned around, Bruce saw the Superman logo on the back of his blue hoodie.

Bruce looked back at his newspaper expressionless, "Superman.  Figures."


As Dick turned the corner, he saw Y/N pass by with a children's book in her arm.  "Morning Dick!"

"Morning Mini B!"

Y/N looked up curiously at the cardboard box in his hands.  "What's in the box?"  Y/N asked, standing on the tips of her toes. Dick kneeled down and lifted the box up  to Y/N's height.

"A bunch of Justice League memorabilia."

"Memoa?  Memora-what?"

"Memorabilia!  A bunch of cool stuff dedicated to the Justice League.  Check it out."  He put his hand in the box and randomly pulled out an object.  "See, this one is for the Flash!"  It was a bright red boomerang with the Flash logo on it.

"Why is it a boomerang?"

"Who knows.  Corporations are weird."  Y/N giggled.  Dick placed the boomerang back and shook the box.  "Here, I'll let you take the first pick."

Y/N looked down in the box and moved her arm around.  "I think...I'll take this one."  She pulled out a doll and rubber her finger over its white eyes. Dick mouth opened in surprise, but it turned to a warm smile.

"Are you okay Dick?"

"It's nothing!  That's a good pick Y/N!  I'm gonna give the rest to the others.  Bye!" He made a peace sign with his free hand.


-- Time Skip --

Bruce was in the Batcave training,  striking his red punching bag. Jason walked passed by him with headphones in his ears playing music.

"'Sup Bruce."  He was wearing blue sweatpants with two golden stripes running on the side and golden Wonder Woman logo under the pocket.

Bruce looked down at the logo, "Hn."


Jason headed up to the mansion and passed by Y/N in the living room. She was lying on the floor with a white pillow under her elbows, courtesy of Alfred, drawing on sheets of paper with her colored pencils.

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