chapter 7

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Your POV

He looked at you for a bit then said "Hi the names Rufioh but you could call me summoner. What's your name?" "My name is (Y/N)..." You said still wondering what is going on.

"He come with me." He asked." What?" You tried to gather your thought but you were interrupted when he said " (Y/N)..." "why would i do that?" He looked shocked at what you just said.

"You asking me why. Your in the Grand Highbloods hive. Are you crazy!?" Then right before you could answer he grabbed your arm and started to fly. You were afraid of hights so you started to freak out.... alot.

"Hey calm down or i might drop you." You started to freak out even more then you slipped into a deep sleep. You woke up at a unfimiliar place. "Hey were awake." Rufioh was his name right.

"Hey are you ok you look a little... how should i put this." "I'm fine just where am I?" You tried to get up but you noticed that you were in different clothing you usually wear.

"Where are my clothes who changed them ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!?" You started to freak out again in embarrassment." Woah calm down doll?!" He tried to calm you down but it didn't help you had no clue were you were.


When you were walking in your hallway in your hive.(( of course there's hallway baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ))

You heard some of the guards talking so you hid behind a corner.' What are thought motherfuckers talking about.' "Hey did you hear one of the servants got kidnapped." One of them said.

Then you looked at the other guard he looked fimiliar it was spike (Y/N) moirail. He looked like he seen a ghost.' OK what was his motherfucking name again.......uuuuuuuuuuuuh Spike that's it.'

Spike got up from his chair then grabbed the other guard and shook him."WHO GOT KIDNAPPED WHAT THAT TROLLS NAME!" He started screaming in anger Spike eyes were red." Calm down her name was (Y/N) ... its a mutant so don't worry about it."

(( Sorry it's short I did this a school ))

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