9. The Removal of the Cast

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Niall kicks his feet back and forth on the chair of the hospital waiting room.

He doesn't like hospitals at all usually, but this one isn't so bad. The strong, acidic smell in the air isn't so strong, and the walls aren't all white and boring. There are elephants and giraffes and lions painted on the walls, and that's because Louis says it's a children's hospital.

Niall feels sad at that. He leans into Louis' side and looks up at him with wide eyes. "But why are children in the hospital?" He asks quietly, his spirits a little dampened.

Louis wraps an arm around his shoulders and cuddles him close to his side, looking down at him warmly. "Well...there are a few reasons. Some of them are here because they got hurt, like you. Some are here because they're poorly..."

Niall's only just gotten better from being poorly himself. He still has to take the gross yellow medicine that supposed to be banana flavoured but definitely isn't, but at least his throat and ears don't hurt him so bad anymore.

Even though having tonsillitis and a double ear infection had been really horrible, he still didn't have to come to the hospital. The kids who have to stay here must be really poorly, he thinks.

He chews his lip and lets out a sad breath. "Oh. I feel bad for them," he murmurs.

Louis kisses the top of his head, and after a moment of silence, decides to change the subject the way grown ups sometimes do when things get too sad.

"So, how about this cast, then? Not much room for anymore decoration, is there?" He asks, I'm a slightly more upbeat tone.

Niall glances down at his light blue cast on his right arm. Everybody he loves has signed it now; Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Noelle, Luke. Zayn had drawn lots of things ok there, because Niall wanted it to look like a tattoo cast.

He grins, looking back up at the man and nodding. "Uh-huh. I love it. I'm gonna keep it forever and put it on the shelf in my room," he says, making Louis grin right back at him.

"Your room," he says softly, before he nods and ruffles Niall's hair. "Sounds like a plan. No more casts ever again after this one, huh?"

Niall giggles. "No more casts," he agrees with a nod.

"Niall Horan?"

He jumps a little at the call of his name, unintentionally curling closer to Louis. The man smiles at the lady who'd called, before he stands and holds his hand out to Niall.

Growing nervous, Niall slips his hand into the man's and allows himself to be guided down a hall and into a room.

The lady stands next to a paper lined bed and turns to smile at them both. Her name tag reads, 'Sr. Nurse Zodie'.

"Alrighty then, you must be Niall," she says, leaning down a little be closer to his level.

Niall sucks in his bottom lip and shuffles behind Louis' leg a little, feeling anxious. His good hand moves up to hold onto the back of the man's jacket.

Louis rests his hand on top of Niall's head and scratches his scalp soothingly. "He's a little shy," he says softly, before looking down at him with a gentle smile. "It's okay to say hi, honey."

Hesitating, Niall steps forward and holds out his left hand. "Nice to meet you, miss," he whispers, blinking up at the lady, who looks a little surprised before she grins, taking his hand and giving it a gentle shake.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you! What a little gentleman," she praises, making him blush and dip his chin down bashfully. "Alright, angel, lets get you up onto the table and see about removing this cast, hm?"

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