7 - stress

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You loved coming from old money. Spending the holidays in the Hamptons, polo matches with Spanish Royalty, and chartering a G6 to Chicago on the spot were some of its perks.

When you were on your way to your grandparents' private entrance to JFK airport you called Eren. Apparently Levi was on a business trip in Chicago and got in a terrible accident which caused him to lose consciousness.

You called Erwin right after who told you which hospital Levi was admitted in.

And now here you were, outside Levi's private room in the hospital. You took a deep breath before entering inside. Erwin was standing next to Levi's bed and Armin was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. You couldn't even see his face but you could tell that he looked devastated.

Erwin took notice of you and hugged you. "You really didn't need to come."

"It's fine, Erwin. If he's unconscious then it must be really serious. What did the doctors say?" Armin's head perked up at the sound of your voice.

"He's fine. No vital organs were harmed. It's just the impact of the accident that's got him knocked out." Armin said as he walked to you. His blue eyes staring right into yours.

You couldn't look him in the eye. Again. It was last night's scene all over again. "Uh, I've got dinner for you guys. I figured that you might be hungry. Even though it's like, almost 12 am. You smiled at Erwin.

"Don't worry about it. It was really thoughtful of you. I'll be back in about 15 minutes so you guys can help yourself." Erwin's sly smile said everything. He wanted to give you both some alone time. But his timing couldn't be worse- Levi was on the hospital bed, unconscious, you were still wearing your clothes from this morning and Armin looked exhausted.

"So, care to explain why you left without leaving at least one text?" You crossed your arms as you sat on the couch. Armin swore that his heart started racing faster after seeing you pout.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't think straight when I found out that-"

"I'm kidding, silly. I understand. I was mostly worried about you. Scared even." You said as you pulled his sleeve for him to sit down next to you.

"And as selfish as this may sound- when I found out that Levi got into an accident all I could think about was how you were. How were you feeling and what was going through your head. I was convinced that I had to see you." You mumbled.

"(Y/N), I-"

"Shh, don't say anything." You covered his lips with your fingers. "I know I don't deserve to say any of this. Especially when I'm trying to get over my ex."

Armin's hand grasped your fingers and pulled both your hands into his lap. "I'll wait for you. I don't care if my feelings rose because of our engagement or if they were already there. I'll have wait for you for as long as it takes. Instead, I wanna thank you for being with me. For trying to be patient."

"There's no other way to say this but I was kind of a bitch to you." Armin chuckled at your words. "I'm wearing rose tinted glasses when it comes to you." The two of you laughed at his joke.

His piercing gaze bore into yours. His hands clutching yours tighter. The faint scent of Tobacco Vanille wafting around your nose. In that moment, it was just you two and no one else. He slowly leaned in and you closed your eyes on impulse.

"Fucking lovebirds... get a room." Levi groaned.

You and Armin stared at each other and then looked at Levi's bed. He was glaring at the two of you and even though he was too tired to form any solid facial expression you could tell that he was disgusted.

"Levi! You're awake." Armin rushed towards his adoptive father and you stood up from your seat. The awkwardness was setting and you had to get moving. "I'm gonna call the doctor. I have to leave for New York anyway. Morning classes." You dragged yourself to the exit.

"Uh, get well soon, Levi." You awkwardly grinned at him.



"Yep, imagine what would've happened if Levi didn't wake up." Pieck rolled her eyes as she painted Sasha's nails.

"Pieck, shut the fuck up. Your first date was at Porco's house and his elder brother was in his room while you guys made out in the living room." You snapped. "Besides, it all depends on the moment."

"(Y/N), you guys were about to start dating on the day his dad got into a car accident. Fuck the moment." Sasha retorted.

It had been three days since the accident and Armin was finally back in New York. Your friends were pestering you to tell them everything even though nothing much had happened. Pieck had suggested inviting Reiner and Annie over at her apartment but you weren't ready to see them. Not after what had happened in the club. You knew it wasn't Reiner's fault but he was still Bertholdt's best friend.

"I guess you're right, Sasha. I don't know but I just feel like I'm not myself these days. I constantly feel restless and uneasy." You said as you flipped through a magazine. "Should I ask for a VIP package at my step mom's spa?" Pieck asked.

"No, it's not that kind of stress. I feel like I need to clear my head. In fact, I think I'm gonna go for a walk right now."

"But what about pizza?" Sasha pouted. "I'm sorry but I'll stay longer next time. I just don't feel like doing much right now."

"It's okay, babe. Go take your mind off of stuff." Pieck patted your back as your left her room.

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