5 - new friends, new enemies?

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"Kieth Sadies to acquire Maria Group." Zeke reads the headline aloud from his tablet. Today was Mandatory Family Dinner Monday and you couldn't be more drained from your brother and your father's drama.

Carla only raised her brows, "that's about 20% of New York."

"It's alright because if we combine our subsidiaries and Eren's start up we have about 22%. Not much but we can do better." Grisha mumbled under his breath as he cut his steak with a knife.

"He's not scared at all. Say, (Y/N), did you and Armin actually come out as an official couple?" Zeke asked. That's when you had realized that you were too busy trying to get over Bertholdt for the past 2 weeks that you had forgotten to make it official with Armin.

"I mean, we did go out for lunch once. He also dropped me off at school so that should be enough. Considering how everyone thinks I'm a serial dater." Eren chuckled at your reply but was silenced as Grisha glared at him.

You knew that look. He did it every time he was going to start reprimanding you for not being serious about your position in the family. But that's the weird part- you didn't know where you fit in. Eren was a hotshot businessman who started getting offers already, Grisha was of course, the head of the family, Zeke was his right hand man and strategist, and Carla was his insider- she knew anything and everything.

That left you- a huge influencer who didn't want to associate with her family. Your dad had initially said that your career as an influencer was useless and that you should ditch fashion school and study economics but Carla was well aware that you'd be throwing your dreams away for his profit so she convinced him that you could make yourself useful somehow.

Now you know that to him, you're only a puppet. Kieth Sadies is your ultimate opponent and you're only a mere pawn whose going to be removed from the board once your job is done.

"I'm leaving." You flatly replied.

"What makes you think that's gonna happen? You already do as you please so why can't you listen to me just this once?" Grisha was gradually raising his voice with each phrase. "All you do is run around town spending money on clothes and boys. At least be grateful that I don't have you on a leash."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing right now.

"Aren't you fucking tired of pissing me off all the time? You've treated me like shit ever since I was born!" You yelled at your father.

"Hell! I don't even know what my fucking mom looked like. I wish I was never born because of you." Tears were threatening to spill out of your eyes but you controlled yourself as much as you could. You couldn't show Grisha how weak you had felt at that moment.

"You left me to be raised by people that aren't even my real grandparents for 10 fucking years and didn't even bother asking if I wanted to live with you guys until I got into a fucking car accident!"

Fuck it. This asshole deserved to know how much pain you're in.

"You treat me like I'm a mistake everyday but I don't say anything to you because at the end of the day you're still my dad. You're still my family yet I'm treated like the black sheep. Do you hate me because a stupid DNA test proved that I was your daughter? Is it because my mother happened to be a hooker?"

You were crying like a baby at this point and Carla had already rushed to your side. Holding you in such a warm embrace that only a mother could have. Eren got you napkins to wipe your nose and your tears, and got you a glass of water. Grisha and Zeke simply watched the scene unfold in front of them. Realizing the weight of their actions a little too late.

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