Chapter 5

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Jimmy stood in the most Christmas-decorated room he had ever seen. At this point, almost the entire village was in the room plus guests from outside the village like Grian and Scar.

Speaking of Grian. The blond had again a few small baubles in his hair which he didn't seem to be happy about but couldn't help it because every time he took one out Scar put it back in. Both men were wearing suits. Both were red, but Scar's was more like old red and Grian's was light red.

In the room stood a large Christmas tree with all kinds of presents under it. Some gifts were fake, others were not.

Jimmy had also put a present under it which he would later give to Scott. It was the sugar flower. With a lot of precision, a lot of caution and a lot of cotton wool, the blond had managed to wrap it.

Jimmy had seen or spoken to almost everyone, but both Scott and Xornoth were missing. Joey had not seen his partner yet and had come to Jimmy to ask if he had seen the two siblings, but no.

"What are you thinking about?" suddenly sounded a voice to him. Jimmy let his thoughts sink back for a moment and saw Grian standing in front of him. Still with little Christmas balls in his blond hair.

"What did you say?"

Grian repeated what he had just asked the taller blond.

"I was thinking about the fact that Scott wasn't here yet."

"Mhm okay okay. Bye" Grian quickly ran off to Pearl. Jimmy thought it was weird. He decided to grab some food and ended up with a few pieces of fruit.

Time went by but it wasn't fast. Scott was nowhere to be seen, but Xornoth had come for a while.

Fortunately, at one point Jimmy saw the familiar cyan hair and went straight to Scott. Immediately he began to ask the other why it was taking so long and why he was there only now.

When he finally stopped talking Scott laughed a little shyly.

"I lost something and wanted to wear it tonight."

The blond had no words for a moment and only then saw the jewelry cyanette was wearing. Earrings, rings, bracelets. The whole shebang.

"Then I guess it had to be really important." laughed Jimmy.

"Yes-...." Scott stopped talking for a moment and thought before saying his next words. "I wanted you to see them."

Why was this so hard to say? It was just a few words, nothing more.

Jimmy wanted to compliment the other when Katherine suddenly came to him with the news that his present was gone. It was no longer under the tree.

The blond immediately panicked and went looking for it. He checked under the tree and throughout the room, but nowhere could he find it.

How could it have suddenly disappeared? How could he not find it? It would be easy to spot, it had a large ribbon.

After a while Scott came running up with a box and as Jimmy hoped it was his gift for the person holding it now. Both were now outside as Jimmy went to see if it happened to be in his car.

The blond breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled. "Keep it, it was for you anyway."

Scott's face turned red and he slowly and carefully began to open the package. His eyes lit up as he took the sugar poppy out of the box.

Scott twirled it around and looked with disbelief.

"Do you like it?" Jimmy asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes, but there's what I like better."

Scott pulled the other one closer to him by grabbing the blond's tie. Their lips touched and it didn't take long for the kiss to deepen.

After a while they had to stop because of a lack of oxygen

Jimmy put his forehead against Scott's.

"Merry Christmas Petal."

"Merry Christmas."

Happy holidays to everyone.

Please let me know if there are any grammar mistakes. Comments are very much loved because I want to know what you guys think of it.

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