So This Is Christmas? 🎉

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"MASTER JEAN, MASTER JEAN!!" a small girls voice could be heard from miles away.

"Hrmph." Jean muttered.

"W-what's up?" Lisa peeked, Jean couldn't see her face and neither could Lisa see Jean's.

"Just Klee probably." Jean propped up to the bed's back and check the time.

A slight chuckle could be heard from Jean.
"It's midnight. 00:02"

"Ah, Christmas." Lisa mumbled.

Suddenly the turning of a lock and the door creaking open to be greeted by Kaeya holding Klee's hand. She seemed very VERY excited.

"Sorry to disturb you guys but Klee is killing me." Kaeya yawned.

"Christmas! Christmas!!" the little blonde girl exclaimed bouncing up and down in her red pajamas.

"Just take her downstairs we'll be there in a second." the Acting Grand Master said before Kaeya shut the door.

Kaeya and Klee walked downstairs into the lounge where Eula and Amber were chatting. They seemed a bit drowsy.

"Oh, Amber, Eula. Hello." Kaeya greeted them a bit confused.

"Hello Sir Kaeya, we- couldn't sleep because somebody was too excited." Eula replied back pointing at Amber.

"It's rude to point at people Eula!" the bunny girl pouted back.

Eula have a slight chuckle.

"When can we open the presents?!" Klee asked.

"Let's just wait until Jean and Lisa come." Kaeya said giving her a smile.

*5 minutes later and somehow magically all the characters are in the same room together in the span of 300 seconds*

"Ok now everyone is here, let's open the presents" Albedo said holding the warm hot chocolate in his hands and blowing on it.

"Ok, uh Eula, here!" Amber picked up a nice blue and white wrapped gift and handed it to her.

Eula gave Amber her present in return, it had red and blue wrapping on it crossed with a nice white bow on the top.

Amber opens hers and sees a box of candy canes and a bunch of photos with Eula and her together. It was the memories they shared together all in a photo album.

Eula opened hers and there was a medium-sized plush of Barron Bunny in there. It looked just like Ambers minus the explosives of course.

They exchanged a sweet look at each other and started chuckling.

"Here darling have this" Lisa grinned gifting her girlfriend a nicely wrapped present. The tape wasn't even that noticeable it almost looked invisible.

"And here.. is yours" the blonde girl said. It was a turquoise-coloured box with beautiful white strings attached to the top.

Lisa opened hers and it was a set of silver rings they looked like they were almost glowing because of the crystals on them.

Jean opened hers and closed it almost completely looking at Lisa.

"Lisa!" Jean whispered, she was flustered.
"That's inappropriate!"

Lisa gave her a slight chuckle back patting her on the shoulder.

Diluc almost hesitated walking towards his "brother" but decided too anyway.

They didn't say anything they just gave each other the gifts and nodded as a "Thank you."

Diluc gave Kaeya the special wine from Diona. So it also counts as HER gift too, I guess.

Kaeya gave his brother a single photo. A family photo. Of a once happy family. Just trying to say that Kaeya still cares for him. He kept the photo for so long even though the one person who knows him so well hates him.

When they parted, they looked at the gifts and smiled. Well only Kaeya. But Diluc. Well he didn't know how he felt either. Guilt? Anger? Sadness. He slowly put the photo back in the box and walked off.

"Diona.. what's my gift?" Klee nudged her shoulder. She was becoming a spoilt brat for sure.

"I'm getting it!" Diona said almost smacking Klee with her tail.
"Here, it's a box full of poppits."

Klee looked at Diona with a big gleeful smile.

"Now, now you don't have thank me, I'm just doing it because it is Christmas and we have to get everyone a present. Everyone loves presents and-"
Diona was mumbling and before she knew it Klee left her.


"Hey, what about my gift???"

JeanxLisa headcanons - GenshinWhere stories live. Discover now