Camping together [NSFW]

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"That must be everything if I'm not mistaken." Diluc says dropping the heavy bags on the floor.

"Yep! I can't wait to get ready." Venti replies stretching his arms.

"Venti, this isn't like those movies you watch. It's not that easy.." the Cryo user implied.

"Kaeya! The only camping movies I watch are horror!" The bard shouted back.

"Oh, come on! You even get scared of those." Kaeya replies back.

Venti and Kaeya are bickering in the background.

"Jean? Aren't you happy about this?" Lisa asks taking the supplies out of the bag.

"Yeah, just a little scared." Jean says back.

"Don't tell me the horror movie thing got to you." Lisa chuckles carrying the tent bag.

"I-" Jean said with an insulted expression on her face.

The librarian smiles and starts to unravel the tent.

"I wonder when Aether, Lumine, Klee and Amber are coming." Jean chatters.

"They're coming at lunch." Lisa interrupts her. "No need to worry, now help me with these bags won't you dear?"

Jean nods her head and they all start making the tents.

"Ok, ok. We have Kaeya, Lisa, Jean, Venti and me already here and sorted tents.." Diluc read off the clipboard. "Then Klee, Amber, Aether, Lumine. So.."

Kaeya snatches the clipboard off and says "9 tents so one of us has to sleep with 3 people."
"Hm.. ok. Understood." Kaeya says ticking the clipboard and passing it back to Diluc.

".." "Anyway, Venti and Kaeya will sleep together, Me and Aether. Lumine, Amber, Klee. Lisa and Jean. Don't make too much noise, girls." Diluc comments smirking as he said it.

"Shut up." Jean sighs.

"Hmph." Lisa grunted.

*Timeskip to Lunch*

"Hey guys! Amber shouted across with the others waving behind her.

"Hey! You're just in time for lunch." Venti yelled back with drool on his mouth.

"Come, we have already set the tents up. Let's just eat for now." Diluc murmurs picking up a Chicken Mushroom Skewer.

"Paimon wants some!" the Emergency Food shouted coming from behind the twins.

"Help yourself dear, we have plenty and we can make plenty more for dinner." Lisa replies back wiping her mouth with a purple silk cloth.

*Timeskip after lunch*

"You know, that was a good meal!" Klee expressed.

"I'm happy you liked it." Kaeya smiles back with pride.

"I think we should have a shower you know..." Diluc asks. "No worries, there are separate baths for males and females".

"Right now? Shouldn't we digest a little?!" Venti replies back.

"I agree with Diluc. We don't want to go to bed with spots or rashes do we? Especially in the wild." Lumine chimes in.

"The walk to the baths should be digestion for you, Venti." Diluc responds back.

"Ok then, lead us to the baths." Amber says.

*Timeski- yeah you know to the baths whatever*

"I feel uncomfortable in here." Klee whimpers.

JeanxLisa headcanons - GenshinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang