The truth hitting like million needless hitting past her chest.

Neil and Ben get on top of the boy. Hitting him. But the damage had already been done.

The truth was out now.

The truth of her being an Orphan.

The truth of her real parents leaving her to die in a bin.

" can't be mamma...she..."

Unable to control herself, I see her runs from the scene.

Ben and Neil were oblivious to notice, blinded in rage, to kill the boy.

I see her running towards the back of the park, where there is a big pond.

And I place my hands in my pockets to sigh.

I guess it leaves just me.

I will have to follow her.

I can't leave her alone.
Who knows, what this stupid girl would do otherwise.

Half an hour past and I continue to hear her sob, looking at her from behind the shadows. Her back towards me as she looked into the pond, sitting beside it while hugging her knees.

"Why....why will mamma lie..."

"No...mamma loves me...I am my Mamma's Ezra..."

"She is my mom...she...she loves me..."

I was tired of hearing her repeating the same line again and again. Of course Aunt May loves her, why is she even questioning it?

Her being an adopted doesn't change anything.

But who will explain this fool.

It was going dark.And thankfully she decided to get up and head back home.

Following her behind, maintaining my distance.

I see her enter our house and I felt relieved.

She will be safe now.

However I wasn't done yet.  I felt something burning up in my chest. The image of that boy trying to hurt Ezra. Not ready to leave my mind.

I wanted to break something.

And I knew what it was.

Placing on my hood. I walk down the street for half a kilometre. To only stop in front of a house.

This was it.

That boy's house.

I found him talking to someone on a phone  in his rooms window. And I sneak in , through the open window behind.

Entering his room, I stand behind him.

"Oh man! You should have seen the girls face! She was literally crying!"

"Served the bitch right for rejecting me. She acts as if she is some princess....when she is just a poor girl "

"But no doubt got to admit man, despite her crying she was looking so beautiful!"

"If it wasn't for those Reed brother protecting her? I would have totally loved to kiss-"

I slam the door shut behind me. Making him stop to turn around to look at me.

I see Ben and Neil did managed to leave few cuts and bruises on his face. But they were not enough. Nothing near to what zi plan to give him.

"Who...who..are you?"

Her Selfless Love( Complete)Where stories live. Discover now