House of Viridian

Start from the beginning

That wasn't the last personal conversation you had with him. You stayed back in the castle during Quidditch games to keep up with your studying. After a few weeks, Severus began to join you quietly. You helped him with what you could but found he really didn't need a lot of help. Eventually you invited him to spend winter break with your family since you knew his home life otherwise was not good. He was only able to stay a few days but seemed more than happy to be with people who wanted him around. Unfortunately that was the last break you were able to do that for him as you turned 17 soon after and your parents went back to Austria.

The cycle continued with small pointed gestures of kindness and friendship. Even in front of some of the more outspoken blood purists. No one ever asked questions. You played your part. You were loyal to the cause, at least in the ways that mattered. The ways that cemented your spot socially and kept the ultimate image for your family.

For Severus, the moment that really cemented his positive opinion of you was right after you became head girl. James was chasing Severus down the hall when you grabbed James's arm and just about threw him to the ground.

"The hell do you think you're doing Potter?" You berated James as he scrambled to stand up.

"I was just-" He attempted to make up an excuse but you weren't having any of that.

"Wrong answer Potter, let's go." You basically drug him all the way to McGonagall's office where you were more than happy to rat him out. Severus wouldn't forget it, nor the other times you had stood up for him.

The war seemed a bit removed from Hogwarts in 1975, though reports were always coming in. You were unfortunately very much aware of what people you considered to be friends were doing. There was nothing you could do about that either. Years of indoctrination and familial obligations left you on the side lines. If you spoke out, that left you with no one and possibly without an inheritance. Which without those put you out on the streets. You weren't spoiled but practical, there were very few options. Graduation was imminent and getting a esteemed ministry job was the only way you were going to stay in England.

"Miss Viridian?" It was McGonagall. She had just opened the door to your charms class that was nearly over with. You looked to Flitwick who nodded you off.

It was an awkward collection of your things before slipping out. Eyes were heavily on you but you weren't nervous. "Professor." You hoisted your bag onto your shoulder. "Can I ask what this is about?"

McGonagall led you in a direction you knew might lead you to Dumbledore's office. It took her a second to respond but by then your thought had been confirmed. "Dumbledore has requested to see you. I wouldn't worry dear, all of the 7th years are being seen."

That shut you up. While you trusted McGonagall, unlike many of your Slytherin peers, this meeting seemed a little too late. Slughorn had already had an unnecessarily long conversation about your career goals. You had been in Slug club for long enough for him to know entirely too much about your family. There would be very few reasons for Dumbledore to pull you from class. McGonagall opened the stairway to his office and you stepped up wordlessly. Knocking, it only took two times to get a response at his door.

"Come in, Miss Viridian. You know that I do not bite." Dumbledore spoke from his desk as you entered slowly. When you went further into his office you saw him, Dumbledore turned around and motioned to the seat in front of his desk. "Sit, would you like a lemon sherbet?"

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