Christmas special

Start from the beginning

Setting yourself down on the couch Mikey hurried to the tree and grabbed the first present with your name on it. Smiling at his childish behavior you couldn't help but let out a small laugh. It was cute of how excited he got over some of the smaller things.

'I wander how he will react to that gift' you thought as you watched him hand you a gift.

After 30 minutes of passing gifts back and forth between each other y'all where down to one present. It was your special present to him. "Here you go Manjiro love" you said as you handing him a small skinny and long box.

Taking the neatly rapped gift from your hand you watched as he started to open it. Slowly pealing the red and white rapping paper off box you silently waited feeling more and more nervous to see what his reaction will be.

Taking of the last bit of paper sat a simple white box. Carefully pulling the lid off he started at the object in the box before his eyes widened and he froze.

"I'm gonna be a dad!?" He quickly asked as he looked up at your smiling face. "Yup!" You said cheerfully continuing to give him a closed eye smile.

You didn't even have time to react when you felt him pull you into his arms on the couch and give you long kiss. You didn't hesitate to kiss him back and return the hug still smiling at him.

After pulling back you saw small tears gathered in his eyes as he continued to smile at you while holding the small box with the positive pregnancy test inside of it.

"Are you alright? Why are you crying?" You asked him as you gently whipped the tears away from his soft warm cheeks with your thumbs. Nodding his head he sat down the box and took your hands into him. "I'm just happy for us!" He cried a little more as he gave you another hug.

"When should we tell the others?" You asked after the small hug. "Well we are still having dinner with the rest of toman tonight for Christmas, we could tell them then along with the other great news" Mikey happily said confusing you a little.

"What other news?" You asked him. He only smiled before telling you to wait as he quickly ran back to your shared room. A second later he came running back out hiding something behind him make more question come to your mind.

After he finally stood in front of you again he held one hand out still hiding something behind him with the other as he silently asked you to stand up. Following his simple order you stood up not ready for what was about to happen. As you stood up he quietly got down on one knee making your eyes widen.

"Y/N L/N, I know that right here in the middle of our living room covered in torn up wrapping paper and presents isn't vary romantic or exactly what I imagined when I was going to ask you this but I just can't hold back anymore, especially after the news you just gave me."

"I'm not the most romantic or best boyfriend in the world and this isn't the most romantic or beautiful moment in time but I think anytime with you is the right time to ask this question."

"But please, Y/N L/N will you make me even happier by becoming my wife?"

Throughout his small speech he had opened up the small velvet box he had recently hid behind him, revealing the most beautiful and expensive looking ring you had ever seen in your life. You couldn't even speak you where so shocked. Tears had already pooled in the corners of your eyes as you nodded your head multiple times still not able to actually speak at how amazed you where.

A large smile painted itself onto Mikey face as he stood up and brought you into another hug. The both of you silently crying tears of pure joy while holding the other in a warm embrace. Neither of you broke the hug until a few minutes had gone by.

"I love you Y/N" Mikey whispered to you. "I love you to Manjiro" you said back to him as you gave him a short a simple kiss.

"I really really love you"


Marry Christmas everyone!!!💞💞

What did y'all get?

I was gonna post chapter 15 of the actual story a few days ago but I got caught up with a bunch of traveling and other things for Christmas but I hope it's fine!

Anyways what do y'all think of this special? I've never really been good at writing romantic scenes so I'm genuinely curious to see if y'all like it or not.

Anyways make sure you stay hydrated, eat something, rest well and keep on doing your best lovelies!! <3

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