twenty two - you and me

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It was starting to become a habit.

Just as Harry was getting ready to take down his booth for the night, he smiled to himself. He looked up, and sure enough, there was Louis.

The crowds at the marketplace were always rowdy, and it had taken Harry a long time to learn how to navigate them. He had learned to squeeze his way into open spaces, calling out unheard apologies just to make himself feel better about jostling into people's personal space.

Louis didn't seem to have that same problem. People parted in his wake without a word. Maybe one look at his expensive, tightly-fitted suit told them that he must be someone important. Harry figured that the more likely explanation was the set of Louis's jaw and the dark intensity of his blue eyes. He didn't need to speak to take command of an entire space; he absolutely radiated sharp determination and importance.

His hard features softened into a smile when he caught Harry's eye, his light voice emerging in complete contrast to his dominant appearance.

"Hi, love!"

The corners of Harry's mouth went up of their own accord. "You're here," he stated the obvious. "Again."

"Problem?" Louis teased. He rounded the table and looped an arm around Harry's waist, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Harry melted into his touch, tucking himself into Louis's side. "Of course not," he mumbled, his cheeks flooded with heat. Any confidence evaporated into thin air as soon as Louis came around, his normally certain steps turning quite uncertain.

Luckily, Louis was right there to reassure him. He squeezed Harry's waist, his fingers tapping over his hipbone. "Long day?"

"Not too bad. I came here straight from work, so it's only been an hour or two."

"That's still a long time, especially after a whole day on your feet. How was the store?"

"Not too busy," Harry replied honestly. "It'll be the holiday rush soon, though, so the peace won't last long."

Louis frowned, once again plagued by the image of Harry working long -- long and unnecessary -- hours at the grocery store during the chaos of the Christmas season. He could tell that Harry was exhausted even now, his frown only growing as he watched him shift uncomfortably from foot to foot. His feet must be aching from standing all day, Louis decided.

Even in their short time together, and even as he fought it tooth and nail, maybe Harry really had taught him some observation skills.

He rubbed his hand up and down over Harry's side, checking, "You cold?"

"A bit. Not too bad."

"Do you want to go home," Louis asked, his blue eyes twinkling, "or are you up for a little bit of adventure?"

Harry scrunched his nose suspiciously. "You? Adventure?"

"Oi! Watch the sass, young man."

"Alright. What sort of adventure? A well-planned one?"

Harry yelped when Louis pinched his side in silent reprimand, but they were both grinning.

"Maybe it is well-planned. So what?" Louis replied, rubbing his thumb over the spot that he had pinched seconds before. "Does that mean that you're rejecting my offer?"

"No," Harry rushed out -- and maybe a bit too fast, because Louis had to choke back a laugh at his eagerness. "No, no, I just . . . I guess an adventure would be nice."

Louis's smirk softened into a fond smile, and he pressed a quick kiss to the tip of Harry's nose. "Let's get right to it, then. Would you like me to read you the prepared itinerary, or would you rather be surprised?"

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