Chapter 6

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Sunday 3:01 pm

Aoki's thoughts
Michelle invited me over to her house, I guess I've kinda forgotten to spend time with her now that Jaklyn is around. I mean we talk every night, even during streams... I'm sure Michelle's been keeping herself busy with... hm I guess I haven't spoken to her in so long I don't really know what's going on in her life... I mean I text her sometimes but that's about it... well I'm sure it will be fun whatever she invited me over to do that is.

Aoki approaches Michelle's apartment door and knocks. The door opens to reveal Michelle as dressed up as ever.

"Aoki!" Michelle says, embracing her. "It's been so long since we last spoke! I hope you didn't forget about me!" She says with a wink.

"No of course not! I've just been busy with... streaming and life yeah! Those things are always getting in the way. But I'm happy you invited me over, what uh.. what are we doing?" Aoki replies by rubbing her neck at the slight awkwardness of the topic.

"Well I have all sorts planned, come on in!" Michelle says, stepping out of the doorway and allowing Aoki into her apartment.

This wasn't the first time Aoki had been over but the place seemed... cleaner? Maybe more organized? She couldn't quite place it. Making her way to the living room she saw sitting on the table were some dvd boxes. Walking over, Aoki picked one up and was in awe to see it was her favorite show Super princess girl in the land of the pine needles looking down there was the second season as well! Which she grabbed quickly, but it didn't stop there because beneath the second season was the third... Now to most that meant nothing but to Aoki it meant everything. The third season of Super princess girl in the land of the pine needles revenge of the elephant man had never been localized or legally released outside of Japan, she herself had only seen poor tv recordings of the show. Slowly she looked up, unable to form a coherent thought outside of


Michelle sauntered into the room hips swaying as usual "well I was just looking around and noticed someone was selling all three seasons and I figured I'd pick it up knowing they're your favorite, they were selling them really cheap to *chuckle* idiot"

Michelle knew that was a lie but Aoki didn't, she didn't need to know the exhausting lengths she had gone to, to try and find that dvd sure the first two were easy but the third. And the price tag...

"I'm not really interested in keeping them but figured we could hang and watch it all then you can have them if you want."

All Aoki could do was nod her jaw agape still in shock at what her friend accomplished.

And that's how it went for several hours of laughs, tears and thrills. Not to mention the almost never seen third season which left Aoki sufficiently speechless. Sitting next to each other on the couch Michelle really couldn't care less for the show; mostly she was thinking to herself and stealing glances at Aoki.

She loves it!!! and soon... wait let's not get too hasty this is only step one. Yes but so far it's working so well!!! Look how happy she is, I want her to always look like that. And only I can provide it, let's see Jaklyn do anything remotely close to this! She can't, she's lost, I know Aoki like the back of my hand and she's already playing right into it. She'll be mine by the end of the night...

As the last episode wrapped up, Aoki was on the edge of her seat with a tissue box in hand as Super princess girl learned the meaning of love or friends or won the fight? Michelle didn't know. Michelle didn't care, she had gotten up around episode 10 and started on dinner. It had been daylight when Aoki arrived and she had been too engrossed in the show to notice her phone buzzing with messages from Jaklyn. Michelle made quick work of it, setting it to silent and putting it in the entrance as far from her friend as possible.

Not this time she thought, noticing the occasional light from the entrance indicating more messages from Jaklyn
No not this time. This time you go home early, frankly you weren't invited at all!

She laughed conveniently at the same time Aoki did.

Now it's part two...

Finishing the show Michelle turned the lights on and walked back into the living room "well?" Aoki was over the moon and beamed about how amazing it was, Michelle couldn't remember when she had ever seen her friend this happy.
Perfect. "Well if you like that it's only gonna get better from here! To the kitchen."

Aoki followed and finally saw what Michelle had been up to. Dinner! And her favorite at that! Steak! It was a rare treat she seldom had for herself mainly due to her constant spending on gotcha games, she really couldn't afford good meat.

"Have a seat! Dig in! I know it's your favorite" Michelle instructed with a smile on her face. Aoki, not skipping a beat, enjoyed it and Michelle followed suit.

They enjoyed their meal as once again Michelle had spent quite a bit to find the highest quality steak. As dinner came to a close Aoki clutched her stomach "oh I haven't eaten that good in ages, I'm exhausted. Can I have a nap?"

Michelle who had begun cleaning up was very content that things were falling into place exactly as she planned. "Of course! Just use the bed by all means, I have cleaning to do in here anyway!"

"Thank you the best." Aoki said, getting out of her chair making her way to bed, her tail happily swooshing behind her.

When the bedroom door finally closed Michelle smiled a large almost unnerving smile. "Yes... YES I am the best!" She said aloud when she was sure there were no ears around. "Now let's have a look." She makes her way to the entrance picking up Aoki's phone to see the message previews.

Jaklyn: heyyyy wyddd??

Jaklyn: Aokiii I'm so boreddd do you want to hangout or do something?

Jaklyn: aoki?

Jaklyn: you said you wanted to meet up like hours ago, where are you?

Jaklyn: I'm going home....

Once again she laughed "sorry hun." Dropping the phone "I may have waited 15 years but don't back a bear into a corner... we bite"

Several hours went by and Aoki had slept off her meal. It was make or break for Michelle as Aoki's eyes fluttered open and she saw a figure in the doorway.


"Yes honey it's me~"

Honey?!? Michelle had never called her that before. She rubbed her eyes to get a better look and that's exactly what she got. There was Michelle in the light of the sun rising in nothing but her bra and panties... Her large breast drew Aoki's gaze and she slowly looked over her curved form.

WTF IS HAPPENING!!! was the only thought in her mind. Sure they had known each other for a long time and seen each other in various situations, but never this!

"Uhhhh..." was the only thing to escape her lips as Michelle began slowly walking over swaying her hips and having as much bounce in her step as possible.

"Well" Michelle began "I suppose now is as good a time as ever..." she said finally making it to the bed began to climb on "ever since the day I met you Aoki I've looked out for you and you know that" she nodded. "But there's more... I've lo... liked you since that day as well..."

liked her?!? Like how she likes Jaklyn? Oh no...

"I've done everything in my power to help you, be with you and to make you happy. BUT. Jaklyn is getting in the way of that... 15 YEARS AOKI WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER! 15 YEARS I'VE LOVED YOU! I WON'T LET THIS WOMEN GET BETWEEN EVERYTHING I'VE WORKED FOR! WE'VE WORKED FOR!"

Michelle yelled, finally climbing on to Aoki. Michelle's curved body resting on her own, Michelle's large breasts shoved into her face. Michelle looking down at her, fully in control of the situation, opened her lips to say one thing.

"Be mine... please".

Here you get the chance to pick your own ending! (Ik I'm so extra).

You can either:

-deny Michelle (chapter 7)
-accept Michelle (chapter 8)

You're the Ordinal to my Point ~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें