I was studying math, he was studying literature, he let me believe he was better at science than I was, and I proved him I was an expert when it came to literature.

With the two of us getting this close, school was finally enjoyable. I had bullies in my class, 2 boys. One of them always tried to cope a feel every day until I snapped. I was never in my life sexualised or even put in such a position where I got so uncomfortable with someone touching me, that was until the 2nd semester of my freshman year, where I had the bad luck of deciding to take a seat next to this teenage boy who was too disturbed for my understandings.

He sexually harassed me, always talking about how my boobs look through my clothes, touching my leg and trying to hold hands with me. The day I snapped, he tried to pour water in my lap and near my bottom. I screamed and pulled my own bottle of water, pouring it on him and his stupid friend. The teacher just told us to take our seats and continued her lecture. Physics teachers, they are from another planet. After me fighting back followed days of verbal and cyber abuse. Him and his friends sending me videos of people committing suicide and asking for a date when I will follow the guide presented in the videos. His kindness knew no limits, he even offered to burry my body for me. Charming, wasn't he? The other boy, his friend, took the abuse so far, I couldn't go outside for walks with new friends because he would bully them as well. Threatening to beat my 'corpse' face in. This abuse stayed with me for the rest of my high school life. Even now I am shaken by what happened. Thankfully, the realisation of such harassment didn't hit me just yet during my senior year, so Bernard had it easy when it came to my past traumas.

'I wanna see you this break, is it alright?' Bernard had texted me. I was a bit thrilled, we did become closer friends ever since he started high school this year. We hung out a few times in the school's yard, especially on the bleachers in the mornings after we'd get high. We would sit there and look at the empty concrete football court, discussing how amazing we feel after the baking and how smoking pot helps us focus better in school.

'Bleachers?' I texted back, not yet sure if I wanted to.

'You know it.' I started to laugh at his reply. It was nice to have a spot that we could call ours, made me feel like I was in a teenage movie. But could I be the heroine of my own movie?

For the next week we would keep on meeting in the mornings to go to school together, get together on the bleachers, this time without the after effect of drugs, meet at Ron's place after school and after my driving lessons. We now had a habit. Our habit was spending time with each other until one night he did the unthinkable.

'I walked Denise to the bus with Ron, I wanted to hang out more with Rob afterwards.' Bernard texted me.

'Lucky you, Ron and the gym are like what? 5 minutes away from you?' I replied. I envied him.

'Yeah, but you live 30 mins away, ain't that lucky now, am I?' He replied. He was never good with words, but I always considered that to be fun. 'Anyways, after we dropped off Denise, we stopped by his place and started talking about stuff. We both agreed that our girlfriends are such weirdos lol' Bernard continued the chat. I had the feeling that he was referring to me as his girlfriend, deep down I knew that was what happened, but of course, the basics of a real woman wanted to pester. I did not remember talking about feelings and us ever dating, sure I expected to be asked out, or more like thought about how it would be if Bernard would ask me out. Ron told me to focus on my finals and that he is too young for me, that I'd be unhappy. I told him I wasn't serious about Bernard, it was just a thought that crossed my mind. For God's sake, I used to date his best mate!

'Now, since when did you get a girlfriend?' I texted, knowing clearly that there was not another girl in his life. You see, I have a tendency to find out lots of information. I know everything, that's what I always tell everyone. It is true, I know everything, and I found out everything through gossip and talking directly to the source.

It started with a break upWhere stories live. Discover now