a second try

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March 27th, 8 pm

The sky was a deep purple-ish- blue-ish tonight. The air was warm and comfortable, with a slight breeze cooling the air. They're running real low on supplies and everyone knows they have to go into town. John doesn't want to come to the conclusion that they have to do this, he is afraid for his family, and rightly so. The last trip has really made everyone realize how serious and dangerous it is out there. They're fighting for their lives. The New government has been put in place and only the lucky ones went off the grid in time. Luckily they had enough supplies to make it for this long. But the supplies went fast with 8 of them. They have a greenhouse and animals, this has helped them a lot. 

Kate: Dad we have to go into town, we need supplies BAD, we have done really awesome with what we have but we're literally down to the last package of meat and the pigs and goats aren't ready until the spring. 

Randy: we have to go tomorrow

John: I know

Zion: but we can wait a little longer

Kate: We have to go now while we still have all the strength we need, if we wait until we're starving and weak we won't be as strong or capable. 

Randy: who's all going

" I am " Kate and zion say at the same time

John:no you not

Kate: but you need me

John: you really think I'll let you go after last time

Kate: I won't do that this time, I understand this has to be done to a T, no funny business and stick to the plan, besides I'll have zion with me at all times and you know he'll make me listen, and I'm valuable to this operation  I have skills you need and you need a girl

John: you are staying with me the entire time

Kate: yes dad, thank you

She gives him a BIG hug

Randy: so it's you, Colton, Kate, zion, and me that are going

Kate: good night Dad, I love you, big hugs and kisses❌⭕❌⭕

Good night guys

Good night zion I love you

Zion: I thought we were watching a movie

Kate: Can we just watch half and go to sleep? 

Zion: sure

They watched RedDawn together

John came in and ended up watching it with them so they watched the whole thing. When the movie was over Zion went to bed and John went to the garage to pick up some stuff, Kate just fell asleep. 

The night was short but they slept in until about 9:30. They were all quiet and let John sleep till 11. Today is the day they go into town. Everyone is ready; Kate made packs with perfumes, bug sprays, anything to cover up their scents. They took weapons this time (for self-protection) but they kept the weapons hidden. 

It's 12:30 and there around and ready to go

John: I'll drive

Zion: we should leave the car Camouflaged and not by the town

Randy: no, we need with us in case we need to leave right away

Kate: they'll block the vehicle in and it will be both our escape and element of surprise

John:we'll leave it about a mile away not too far

Colton: someone should stay with the car, Kate? 

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