It could have turned out way worse

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We pulled in the narrow driveway, the tires nearly going into the ditch. My brother was the first out the door to greet us. He wrapped his little arms around my dad then ran over to me, I pulled him into a big hug and spun him around in the air. Everyone else piled out the door one at a time to greet us. Zion was the first to reach me; he picked me up and spun me around then placed a thousand kisses on my check. 

"How did it go" Zion asked me

"It went great we got what we needed and more"

" and more" Colton retorted

"What does that mean" Zion asked

" there's meetings in town for trading goods on Saturday and Sunday "

"Don't change the subject"

"I went off on my own for a little bit to check out what was left in town"

" why would you do that, do you know how dangerous that is, you could have been hurt"

" I know let's talk about this later"

Zion was mad, he was mad that Kate put herself in danger and he was mad she could have been hurt. He hated the thought of someone hurting her.  Everyone went back in the house except for my dad and Randy. I knew something was up so I stayed back to hear what was going on. 

Randy: we should go Saturday, bring just a few things to trade and see what it's about. 

James: the guards could just take the goods, and take us to, this is to good to be true there had to be a catch, we're not doing it

Randy: I'm talking Colton with me and bringing 2 goods to trade it's worth checking out

I walked up to my dad just then

"Hey honey"

"Hey I was wondering when you want to make the map with me"

" let's do it now "

Saturday morning arrived; the sun was bright in the sky already at 9 am. The meeting started at 11 and ended at 2 PM. Colton and Mandy were round and out the door by 10:20, they wanted to get there early to look around. The window was calm and the sun was out, so they set up the trading posts outside. It was relatively busy compared to when Kate and Cochin were here last; there were about 40 people there, including the people with their product and a few early traders. They were also a lot more guards, about 20 all posted in the semi circle throughout the football field. A group of 3 people were all talking, and Colton walked up to say hello to a lady who gave them the flier.

"Hi nice to see you again"

"Same to you"

"Who's this" the grandma asked


"How do you know my name" he asked curiously

"I heard your sister say it's

" oh,she's not my sister "

" could have fooled me the way you two were bickering" the lady with the flies said

"Yah" he chuckles

"This is my dad Randy"

"Hi there" Randy shakes all their hands. 

They all replie politely back with a hello. 

A guard starts to walk towards the center of the football field.

" can I get your attention" the guard announces

Everyone looks at the guard

"thank you we're not having any trading today, take down everything and go back home"

Everyone is doing as the guard said, and starts to take stuff down

"Why are we not treating today" Colton asked a little on edge about the change in plans

The lady who gave them the flier replies " I don't know "

Colton hesitantly walks up to the guard

"Hey, why is there no trading today"? 

Guard: what did you just say to me

" jesh chill Dude I was just asking why there was no trading today "

Guard: don't ever tell me to chill, and I'm not your dude

The guard gets up really close and Colton's face, putting his forehead against Coltons

"Get out of my face" Colton was now a little mad about the guards behavior

Guard: you want me be in your face, then I'll be in your face

The guard puts his forehead against Colton, harder and Colton pushes him away, the guard  pushes Colton to the ground and Colton fights back. It was a pretty even fight at first, then Colton has the guard on the ground, punching the crap out of him, another guard joins and starts taking swings at Colton soon enough, the guard has Coltons hands pinned behind his back. The first guard stood up and starts punching Colton in the stomach hard. By the time the guard was done Colton probably had a few broken ribs and bruises on his shoulder from when the guard missed his stomach. Colton was fighting to break for you, but it was no use the guard had  a pretty good grip on him. 

"Let this be, to an example, to all who disrespects me and my authority"

He punches Colton in the stomach a few times. 

I'm your seniority and you are all worthless, eventually you run out of supplies and die. We'll move on and you all be rotting corpses. This is your reality folks" the guard says with a beaming smile on his face. 

Randy has had 2 guards on him the entire time, unable to get away to help Colton. 

"Hey let him go" Kate said

Guard: who is this pretty thing

Kate walks up to the guard

"Let him go"

"Why should I" 

"Please let him go, why is he being held in the first place"?  Kate asked curiously

" because he disrespected me and started a fight" the guard said

"It won't happen again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience is behavior has caused you" Kate says trying to calm down the situation

"Awe, how sweet your girl is here to save you" 

Being aware of the guards mocking tone Kate speaks up 

"I'm not his girl and let him go

"Oh,Then you're still up for grabs I'll make you a deal"

"What's the deal" 

"You give me 60% of all the supplies you brung"

"As long as they leave right now it's a deal"

" go run home to your mommy"

Kate traded with him and left immediately

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