Beyond the Virus

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Beyond the virus
July 1,2022, the government mandated a lockdown. The corona virus has pretty much passed but a new virus has been released.
The virus causes severe health issues if contracted through open sores or wounds, sometimes even causing death. When you die, you carry this virus and your body either reacts to it or it doesn't. When your body reacts to it, it sparks a certain part in your brain to function. Now you're not alive, but your body is being run by a virus. We haven't left the house since October of that year. It is my family and my boyfriend's family that bunkered down together. I felt safe with all of us together, but now it feels like there's no space; with so many people on one house, there's not a lot of privacy, and it's driving me crazy. It's been so long since we had another human physical contact; my dad set up a radio, so we can talk to people from all over the world through these stations. Lately, it's been the only way to feel I'm so part of this world. We live in the country, so we haven't seen what's going on the city; we've seen what's been on the news, but that's only so reliable. There's been talk about going back to town, but my dad has been hesitant. We all finally agreed, we need to get more supplies and make a plan and a list of things we need to get.
Supplies list:
Toilet paper
Fresh meat
Canned goods
Saw blades
Pocket knives
Cell phone cord
Spark plugs
Wood glue
Super glue
Canning lids
Extension cord
Charger block
Has can/gas
Only 4 of us are going, it's still perceived as a dangerous trip. It took a long time for me to persuade my dad for me to come but he finally agreed. So my dad, Randy Colton and I are going. This has been a long day, we started new plants in the greenhouse, and I helped my dad with a sawmill. With things shutting down people are looking to local businesses for their products. The lockdown has been going on for a while and people are wanting more space, so we've been really busy. Night has finally fallen and the moon is bright. I sat down with Zion and we watched the stars as they danced in the sky playfully. It was a beautiful night, the air was oddly warm for being March 8th. Cuddled up against each other comfortably, we enjoyed the comfortable silence.
The sunlight started to seep through the open window, morning has finally come. I've been waiting for this day since everything started to shut down; I miss people and hope to see my friends again. Once we arrived at the town border, we saw an Armored vehicle, we presumed it to be military. The vehicle stopped us. They were only allowing 2 people in at a time; I volunteered along with Colton; my dad said no and tried to fight with me and the guard, but the guard said, I volunteered so either going with Colton are no one does. I afterl arguing with my dad I went in with Colton; no one was outside their houses and no cars were in the street. I met eyes with Colton and I knew we were thinking the same thing. We found the store and went in. The stores bear, it looks as if the shelves have been stocked in a while. It looks as if the shelves haven't been stocked in a while. There are about 12 people in the store;We spotted 6 guards, 2 cashiers and the other 4 were customers like us.
One looks like the mom of one of my basketball teammates and the other with her looks like her husband, the other 2 looked like they were in their late 50s and I didn't recognize them. It took about an hour to find what we needed. We split the list and made a map of the store for future reference. It was about time to meet up at the register when a guard came up to me and that's me if I needed help finding anything. He was about in his mid 20s, short brown hair and dark blue eyes. Replying no politely, he backed off, but continued to follow me. We checked out and were about to leave when you called me back to see him.

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