I wrap my arm protectively around her shoulders as we both scan our surroundings. "No one is going to get you Beck, I promise."

Francesca molds her body as close to mine as she can. We are so close I am shocked we don't trip over each other but we manage to keep a swift pace into the diner where we grab a booth in the back corner facing the door. We slide in next to each other, neither of us wanting our backs to people.

"I have practice at 1 today and Heather has practice after me."

"I have Pman's snapchat location on. After this, do you want to go find him? I think everyone would be happy if he was the first killed."

"Absolutely," she nods.

I can't tell if she is excited or nervous but her leg is bouncing up and down rapidly. I try to ignore it and focus on my menu but it is distracting. The waiter comes over to take our orders and before Francesca can speak I cut her off. "Can we have the Nutella french toast, two eggs over easy with toast and bacon and a side of hash browns."

"Yup, I will go get that started for y'all."

"What if I wanted something else," Francesca asks me and I can't tell if she is amused or annoyed that I ordered for her. I don't really know why I did it, I guess I just wanted to make sure she ordered what she actually wanted this time.

"Did you?"

"No," she smiles and now I know she is definitely not annoyed. Sometimes I can't tell with her, my knowledge of girls is pretty limited besides Maddie and Maddie and Francesca are extremely different. For as long as I've known her Maddie did just enough to get by, never more, but Francesca goes above and beyond in everything she does. There is something truly special about someone who puts their all into everything no matter how small.

"What's wrong?" I finally ask, putting a hand on her fidgety thigh. 

"I'm nervous about this weekend."

"Stressing all week isn't going to make you compete better, Beck."

"I know," she sighs as our food comes.

I spend the rest of our time at the diner trying to keep her mind off this weekend's competition. We talk about the ladies for a while. I ask about her parents even if it is a little painful to hear her talk about what a great family she has. She tells me about her classes and I tell her about mine. We talk for two hours non stop while we stuff our faces with food and coffee.

"Ready to go kill P?" I ask after we fight over the check. I pay the bill and she covers the tip in the end.

"This ones for Maya," she yells as she charges toward my car in the fresh snow. "Where is he, Ry! Let me at him!"

"Relax, you lunatic. I checked his location and it looks like he is at the gym."

"To the gym," she shouts, one hand on her hip and the other pointed forward in some sort of superhero pose.

I do as the girl said and head right for the gym. Francesca grabs her can of silly string and we both swipe into the gym and begin searching for Pman. We are both in workout gear, since I came from practice and she is going to practice, so we fit in pretty good.

"Over there," I whisper pointing her toward the rack of weights. "I will go over and talk to him while you sneak up behind us and take him out, got it Beck?"

"Aye Aye Archibald!"

"Beck," I hiss as she jogs off to hide while I walk over to Pman.

"Sup," I greet him, causing him to set the weights down. Killing him while he is lifting would be dangerous and break the rules but now that he has put them down Francesca is free to take him out.

Double Booked | 509 Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now