3rd Person POV 

Later that evening the four of them sat together in the restaurant. Peter and Amy sat next to each other and across from them sat Y/N and Bucky. You could tell by looking at Bucky that he still had a problem with Peter sitting at the table.

"Dad is everything all right with you?" Amy asked her father now when she saw how serious he looked. Bucky looked at his daughter now. He hadn't expected that she would notice that he looked so serious. "I'm all right, honey. I just don't like the way the waiter is staring at your mother back there." he said now and Y/N looked in the direction in which Bucky was staring all the time.

When she saw the waiter looking at her, a cold shiver ran down her spine. The waiter looked at her as if he wanted to undress her with his gaze at any moment. Y/N looked at her plate, she looked at her food and she was no longer hungry.

"Mom, we don't have to stay here." it came from Peter now, who looked worriedly at his mother.

"Peter's right mom. Dad can we go?"

"Yes, we can go. We can get something to eat somewhere else. Y/N, I'll pay quickly. Peter keep an eye on the waiter, if he comes too close then call me." Bucky said as he got up to pay for the meal they hadn't properly touched.

Bucky had barely left the table, than the creepy waiter showed up. The waiter was still staring at Y/N. The whole thing made her feel uncomfortable. "Stop staring at my mom like that, you creep." said Amy now.

The waiter ignored what Amy was saying to him and Peter got up from the table to get Bucky. "Hello gorgeous. Why don't you leave this idiot alone with the children and come with me. "He said now and reached out his hand to Y/N arm.

The moment he touched her arm she winced. This touch brought back unpleasant memories. Memories of her time in Hydra. Let me take over and I'll teach him a lesson. I can feel that you're scared, Y/N. she heard Venom say now.

Before you could answer Venom, Bucky and Peter showed up with the restaurant manager. When Bucly saw what state you were in, he got angry. Nevertheless he knew that he couldn’t punch the waiter.

The manager warned the waiter. If he gets too close to a guest again, he will lose his job. Especially since he got too close to Tony Stark's daughter, there would be consequences for him.

Meanwhile, Peter had Amy in his arms. The two worried about their mother. Bucky wanted to help you up, but when he got too close you flinched back. "Doll I'm not hurting you. Come on, let's leave the restaurant and go home." he said now and held out his hand to you.

Y/N looked at Bucky's hand. She took it with a trembling hand and let him pull her up. He intertwined their Fingers and led her out of the restaurant. You didn't say a single word on the way back. Back at the compound, Peter put Amy to bed, and you and Bucky were sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Doll would you like to tell me what's going on?"

"The waiter, the look he gave me, was the same as the Hydra soldiers had when they looked at me. And when he touched me, it brought up unpleasant memories. That's not how I imagined Christmas Eve to be. I just wanted to have a normal family dinner."

"Y/N nobody will harm you. As long as you are here with us. We will protect you. I will protect you."

"Thanks Buck, that means a lot to me."

"No problem, Doll. You should rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day because Stark has another party planned." it came from Bucky as he made his way to his room.

Y/N sat in the living room for a while before going up to her room. She knew that Bucky was right about what he had said, but she would not be able to forget these memories anytime soon.

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