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MC: Uh... What the hell, my body hurts but at the same time It feels non-existent.

After getting her bearing she starts to look around and finds out that she's in a place that can only be described as the dark abyss.

MC: I at least thought I would meet some nice angels or maybe even a devil not just end up here.

???: Huh, I see you finally arrived.

The MC instantly turns her head and she sees an older man in a suit with a carefree expression on his face.

MC: So since I'm dead now I'm going to take a shot and say that you're someone of higher power or something along those lines?

???: Yeah, I guess you can say that I am of a higher power, I'm what people call God. Although I don't really have a name I just kinda exist everywhere like one big presence. But onto more important things yes you did die but it may have been my fault.

God starts to chuckle and scratch the back of his head while the MC just tilts her head in a confused way.

MC: What exactly do you mean it was your fault?

God: Well to put it simply I was trying to solve a future problem but I may have sneezed and caused a lightning bolt that set off a series of unfortunate events like the car you saved a girl from getting hit by.

MC: Ok I guess at least you're telling me instead of just forgetting about it.

God: Indeed I am very honorable, but before you start freaking out and asking a bunch of questions I'm going to send you to another world with wishes since you sacrificed your life to save a child.

As someone who always thought the real world was boring the MC instantly becomes filled with excitement.

MC: Ok, that sounds great what are the rules!

God: Well the rules are as followed, you can pick any fictional character that you want, but you'll essentially merge with this character meaning that you'll get all of their memories and knowledge. Next is the main world you want to go to, it can be any world that you've seen so anything ranging from anime, which I know you like, to old school sit-coms, also whatever world you choose will no longer have any plot armor or anything like that. The so-called main characters can and probably will die which will also change the canon story although it will still probably be similar. Lastly, and the most important the wish system which I'm sure you already know about, and since you died because of my mistake I'll be generous and give you 5 wishes.

MC: ( Hmmm... So I can be anybody I want and gain their powers that one's easy for me, also the world is easy.)

After thinking for a minute she finally makes up her mind.

MC: Ok, I've made my choices. For the character, I want to be Hela from the MCU.

God: Hmm.. very well, one of Hela's abilities is that as long as she's in Asgard she continuously grows stronger. I'll change it so that you have the same power but it works for Earth instead since you know different world and all that.

MC: Thanks, for the world I want to go to the anime version of Highschool DxD.

God: Not surprised that it's an anime and a perverted one at that.

MC: Ok well ignoring that part, my first wish is to have my own Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

God: Very well consider it done. What personal abilities do you want with the eyes?

MC: For the EMS I want both versions of Kamui in my right eye. In my left eye, I want both Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi so that I can control the black flames.

God: Good choices, obviously you'll also have the Susanoo. Also instead of using chakra which you obviously don't have it will use your magic.

MC: For my second wish I want Muzan's regeneration ability. Even though I know Hela has regeneration already, Muzan's is in a league of its own, not only does it completely stop aging but I can still regenerate instantly even if a single cell of mine survives.

God: You're right it is much stronger. I'll also make it where you can give other people you're blood and if you want it to accept them they'll gain the same regeneration ability just in case you get in a relationship or something.

MC: Thanks, I didn't even think about the relationship part. Anyway, for my third wish I want Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon ability with all of the treasures that he has in it and all of the treasures in the Highschool DxD world.

God: Ok I can do that, however, I can't give you all of the sacred gears in the Gate but you'll have everything else.

MC: My fourth wish is to have the boosted gear instead of Issei, he honestly doesn't deserve it.

God: Haha very well. It won't awaken at first because I'll have to set things up first like altering the specific memories that Ddraig can see when he awakens. When he does awaken he'll only see the memories of Hela and he'll think that you can from a different world entirely. I'll also just give Issei some mid-class sacred gear that I think up.

MC: Ok sounds good, Well for my last wish I want perfect control over Green Fire whether it be creating or controlling it. Basically, Fel-fire from World of Warcraft. Well, I guess that's everything.

God: Indeed it is. At least you were smart with your wishes and made yourself really strong instead of wishing for a harem or something along those lines.

MC: Of course! I'm not that desperate and plus the world of DxD is really powerful considering beings like Great Red and Ophis exist.

God: That is true, those two are nothing to scoff at. Anyway not that it really matters but what do you plan on doing once you arrive in this world?

MC: *sigh* Honestly I don't really know it's not like I have a specific goal or anything I'll kind of just wing it until I eventually find a goal to try and accomplish.

God: Fair enough. Well anyway, I'm going to send you to the start of the series, more specifically the day after Issei gets turned into a devil. I'm also going to make you look around 16 so you can fit into the world.

MC: Thanks old man! I'm actually sort of glad I died now my old life was nothing but boring, however, this new one sounds much more interesting.

The last thing she hears is God giving him an amused chuckle before everything flashes white.

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