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The burly chap did not miss the dislike in Wu Dahu’s eyes. And he delivered a wry smile, intending to explain. But words in his throat failed him to say anything, what he did was just to sigh heavily, reached out to pat Wu Dahu on the shoulder, and drank all the wine in the cup and retreated in defeat.

With this preceding lesson, the others stopped trying, but there was still that unfaithful one who ran over to Wu Dahu with great enthusiasm and said, “What type of beautiful concubine does Brother Dahu like? If you like, I will send you a bunch of them when we get back, no matter what type they are, just take your pick!”

Wu Dahu didn’t say anything at first, but the sound of his glass being put down was incredibly loud, and only after the attention of the others had been drawn to him did he say in a deep voice, “I, Wu Dahu, will never accept myself to get any concubines, and I only have one husband and he will be the only one for the rest of my life, so you don’t have to worry about that, lords.”

Now that he had taken such a stand, those who were not so long-suffering finally came to understand and sardonically withdrew without further mention.

Although no one said anything openly, privately there were quite a few people secretly talking about what he had just said.

“Do you really think that he is that kind of stoic? Or he might just shows off his loyalty, maybe?”

“It’s just for show. What man doesn’t want his family’s backyard to be full? I’ve heard that there are some people who act flatteringly trying to keep his great image in front of people, but when they’re behind the scene, they’ll do anything evil! Who knows if he has any strange fetishes?”

“Alas, but by the way I’ve heard that his husband is a real real beauty who even knows medical skills. So it might be normal for him to have such a high standard not giving the others a chance. Have you forgot the things happened in the state capital? His Highness Hening wanted to show his generosity to marry him, he didn’t resist at all, did he? Everything indicates that he is a man with high standard!”


Well, men seemed to be gossipy animal as well. Wu Dahu heard every single word in his ears, but he just treated them as a ‘dish’ that went with wine, drinking himself without even caring what the gossipy men said.

It would be hard to predict how Song Qinghan would react if he once heard someone talking about him like that. Probably he would come up arguing with them?

In recalling the face of Song Qinghan which was sometimes serious and sometimes naughty, Wu Dahu felt that the wine in his mouth was becoming sweeter, while the speed of his picking up the cup and gulping down the liquid accelerated beyond his senses.

After putting Shuluo on his own bed, Song Qinghan waited in place for a while. And it was not until it was getting dark outside there did he come out of the tent again.

This walk led him, somehow, to Wu Dahu’s tent.

At this time when the whole army was celebrating, there were only a few guards left behind, and they all looked very slack.

Song Qinghan knew that it was not the guards’ fault, but the atmosphere, after all, they had not been so relaxed for a long time, and although they could not go for a drink now, they could still indulge themselves for a while in this hard-to-earn peace.

But this in fact gave him an opportunity. Seeing that no one was paying attention, Song Qinghan directly lifted a corner of the tent and got inside.

He was small-boned, so although the corner of the tent had some deformation after being squeezed by him, it did not look obvious, and as long as one did not take a closer observation, he would never be able to see any problems, yet normally no one would bother to look closely at that corner.

Wu Dahu hadn’t returned yet, of course, as it was a celebration banquet and it would have been disrespectful for him to leave the table early.

Even though it was already dark outside there, the light from the fire outside illuminated the situation inside the tent clearly.

Noticing the note under the protective mirror, Song Qinghan reached out and picked it up. Figuring out that the note he had given was being carefully preserved by Wu Dahu, his heart flushed with a touch of sweetness, but this sweetness soon turned into panic.

Wait, Wu Dahu didn’t know that he had written these notes, so why was he keeping them so carefully? Could it be that Wu Dahu already knew about it? He was just pretending not to know on purpose?

The thoughts in his mind were a jumble of confusion, like a mess, and he couldn’t find out where the clues were.


Wu Dahu’s voice suddenly came from close by, startling him so much that he fell backwards and sat on the ground.

A pair of warm hands grabbed his waist before his butt hit the ground and brought him up.

Song Qinghan stared at Wu Dahu who was as close as he had never imagined in panic, and felt as if he had become a frightened duck, and he stammered, “Da, Dahu, you, you already knew ir, right? When did you, when did you come back?”

Wu Dahu’s eyes looked a bit lost for some reason, he stared at Song Qinghan dumbly in return, as if he was lost in thought, and slowly said, “Han, you’re here, I missed you so much.”

A strong smell of alcohol came when Wu Dahu spoke, and it was the moment Song Qinghan finally knew what was right now going on. Being resigned, he sighed, “Are you drunk? You might have been exhausted, go get a shower and sleep.”

He turned around wanting to go fetch water for Wu Dahu to wash his face. But then a strong force came from his back waist, followed by his body falling into a warm embrace.

“Han, I am so happy to see you here, I just thought that I wouldn’t be able to meet you anymore…”

It was rare for Wu Dahu to show such a vulnerable look in front of him, Song Qinghan put away his struggle and quietly stayed in Wu Dahu’s embrace, feeling his breath blowing behind his ear, and whispered, “I know, I can’t be more excited when I heard that you came back safely. Or otherwise, I would have single-handedly killed the enemies to get you back.”

But this was just a scenario, because Song Qinghan knew that if Wu Dahu could not return, it was more likely that he was already died on the battlefield rather than being captured…

After hearing Song Qinghan’s words, Wu Dahu tightened his hands, as if he wanted to rub Song Qing Han into his body.

“I brought that group of wounded soldiers to sneak into the barbarians’ base camp, no one expected them to have such a powerful fighting force, even I, didn’t expect them to be even more formidable than the drills in actual battle, I heard that the army doctors had made a great effort, thanks to them not dropping the ball, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see you now ……”

Wu Dahu’s tone grew deeper and hoarser. He was acting like a three-year-old kid venting his grievances to the adults, which had made Song Qinghan half-amused and half-sympathetic.

It was said that men were overgrown children, but Wu Dahu’s usual behavior was so mature that he almost forgot this saying.

In fact, to think about it in a further situation, Wu Dahu hadn’t even reached the age of twenty-five. In Song Qinghan’s previous life, he was completely a freshly graduated university student whose heart hadn’t yet settled down. But now he was already able to lead a powerful troop to combat against the invaders. Such a comparison, doubtlessly, should be violent and mind-blowing.

After Song Qinghan thought about it, he struggled slightly for a while, and when he saw that Wu Dahu had reluctantly let go of his hand, he smiled and hugged him from the front, pivoted his feet so that his head could rest on his chest, and said soothingly, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, it’s all in the past, we’re all fine now, and that’s all that matters, you’re not completely drunk, you should get a good rest first.”

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