Chapter 16

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The team and I had landed in Sokovia where Ultron was pinpointed as well as the enhanced. "Please be safe," Natasha said as she held my neck connecting our foreheads. "I'll try," I said as we both went our separate ways.

Our goal was to retrieve the scepter whilst fighting off Ultron and a little robot army Barron Strucker had sent our way as well as bring any civilians to safety. The only problem was we were fighting in the air on a chunk of land courtesy of Ultron.

I was running to help out a woman trapped under a fallen-over lamppost. "Ok I need you to stay calm," I said as the woman kept panicking making the situation worse. "Anyone free for a little help?" I asked into my comms but I got no response.

I groaned as I started trying to lift the lamppost "see we wouldn't be in this situation if your little band would just leave us alone," a robotic voice said behind me. "Ultron," I said smiling at him. 

"Great to see you," I said as I grunted the lamppost was not budging  and the woman under it was further panicking as the robot continued taunting me "oh the pleasures all mine, I see I didn't injure you that bad, what a shame," he said and I laughed.

"Sorry to disappoint," I said  I heard the sound of a repulser fire up and I immediately dove shielding the woman's body ready to take the hit after nothing hit me I turned around to see Tony in his suit. 

He fired his own repulser knocking Ultron a couple hundred yards away. "Hi darling heard you needed some help," Tony said as he began lifting the lamppost. I pulled the woman out from under it and directed her towards the shield helicarrier that would bring everyone to safety. 

"Took you long enough," I said placing my hands on my hips. "Sorry was he bothering you" Tony laughed and I shook my head "nope don't worry sorted him out straight," I said winking.

"Tony I need help with the enhanced" I heard on the comms from a rather panicked Steve. "This enhanced is being a real pain in the ass" Tony groaned as he hovered in the air. "Glad you're getting a taste of your own medicine" I smiled and Tony shook his head. 

"See ya in a minute," he said as he flew away "someone confirm the east side is civilian free," Clint said into the comms "on it" I replied as I ran in that direction killing a few robots in the process.


Vio 😩

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Vio 😩

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